
Few tips on pet fish?

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I'm planning on getting a betta fish soon. I was wondering if somebody could give me a few tips on taking care or it, playing with it etc.

Also, can someone tell me if there are any fish that are compatible with betta fish?




  1. lots of fish go well with bettas except other bettas don't let the name fool you the biggest thing is watching out for fin nippers

    a good site for learning about bettas is

  2. they are tropical and need heaters

  3. Make sure you get a tank that is no smaller then 1 Gal.  the smaller the tank the more often you will have to clean it.  I recommend getting a 1.5 Gal or a 5 gal tank with a filter and heater.  The heater is most important in the winter time. These fish do not do well in water anything cooler then 60F.  

    You don;t need a filter but it does help keep the water cleaner longer.  You will still need to do some tank cleaning but not much.  

    These little tanks are great for bettas. I have one in a 5-Gal and another in a 1.5 Gal.  They LOVE IT.  I have decorations its a cool mini tank.

    As for putting other fish with bettas it can be done.  They are peaceful fish They only fight with their own kind or with other fish that look like another betta. They do fine in a large community tank.  But do not expect them to get along with other fish when they are in small tanks.

    I have 5 Females in a 36 Gal community tank with a pleco, golden algae eater, 2 Rams and a school of Rasboras. They get along fine.  

    As far as playing goes they do need to be stimulate if you are going to keep them in small tanks with nothing in it.  You can put a mirror up to them and they will display and show off how big and pretty they are.  They love to eat but are picky.  When they see you come in the room they run right to the front of the glass and dance about waiting for food.

    I love these fish.

  4. Bettas come from southeast asia, from rice patties and swamps that go miles long. They are tropical fish that like temperatures in the low 80's. despite the popular tiny jars that you often see them in, is not a suitable home for these lovely fish. They require a minumum of 2.5 gallon with a heater (because they are tropical fish), and filter. In a jar or bowl the temperatures fluctuate too much, which will weaken their immune system, thus causing them to more prone to disease. They are also carnivores (more specifically insectivores), So feed them a fish food high in protein or food made for bettas, do not feed them tropical fish food even thogh they are tropical fish (tropical fish food is made for omnivores not carnivores). I like Betta Banquet Premium Betta Food by Seachem or Hikari Betta-Bio-Gold. For treat (once or twice a week) they like bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, fruit flys, baby crickets, baby guppies, and blanched peas (aid in digestion). If your tank is bigger, you can difinitely have tankmates like loaches, platties, mollies, and cory catfish are just to name a few.

  5. ummm i have had over 7 beta fish and i know some things :

    male with male no good

    male with female good

    one beta with gold fish good

    and they r very territorial they will bite other wise u cant really play with them they r a solitary animal.

    u can change there water every 2 months and feed them once every week.

    hope that works.

  6. There's not much you can do as far as playing with it.

    If you are going to keep some other fish with it you would be best to get a 10 gallon tank at least that has a heater and a filter.

    The tank needs to be set up for a least a few weeks running with no fish in this is called cycling.

    A small group of corydoras cat fish are a safe choice to keep with a betta, but there are lots of other compatible fish too.

  7. Being a tropical fish, Betta fishes need to be kept in waters of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

    If kept in a large tank, a Betta fish can be kept with an assortment of peaceful schooling fish - though do be cautious of fin nippers. Also, you shouldn't keep a Betta fish with fish with long, flowing fins (i.e. Fancy guppies). If kept with such fish, a male Betta will think it is of its own kind and attack it.

    If you want to keep females, there are some who actually keep them in sororities. If you plan on doing this, it's best to keep them in odd numbers.

  8. don't pet fish as it is bad for them.

  9. beta talk is a good link but you can pretty much find every thing you need to know here n one page.
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