
Few years back, whenever I have this tingling sensation in the middle of the palm something good always happen

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mostly material in nature. This time the sensation is much better. It's cool, like a fresh metholated air coming out from the middle of my right palm. I am not sure if this can have any connection to anything paranormal. But maybe it's nothing. Could you help me on this please?




  1. i have heard a superstition the if your palm itches you will be having money come your way sounds similar to that

  2. Could be a sign of  M.S and the material thing could be a coincidence

  3. it's probably just electricity in your hands, maybe too much.

  4. Sounds like a circulation problem . Are you taking any medication? It could be a reaction to that. What's strange is that it's just in on palm. Are you  right handed? If so, you use that hand more. Or..if you're left handed..maybe it's because you don't use your right hand as much. Do you sleep on that hand at night? I think you need to ask a dr. This could have been progressing all these years ..and you thought it was a sign of good luck. Always check with a dr. first for biological possibilities before you start thinking it's a "sign" of something paranormal.

  5. Interesting. It's some sort of subconscious early warning system.  The whys it occur may be out of our grasp of understand.  Certainly enjoy the uniqueness of the signal.

  6. The left palm itches = money coming in.

    The right palm itches = money going out.

    Its like inflowing and outflowing of energies.

    What comes in,must go out.

    Do both of your palms itch?

  7. Ulna entrapment. Get an icepack two motrin and email me in the morning.

  8. How about this: You feel the tingle (a natural sensation) and you actively seek something good that has happened to assign the magical prophecy to.

  9. my book of predicting the future refers to right hand itching =money in and left is money out.

  10. Humans have chakras (energy vortices's) located in their palms and feet (the most commonly ones known are the 7 major ones that are located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head). The left palm receives energy (feminine energy - intuition); the right palm outputs energy (masculine energy - material manifestations). Basically, your body was trying to tell you something good will happen. It's excellent that you 'listen' to your body and I suggest for you to continue doing it.

    *There is also an old wives tale that says that if your left palm itches - you will lose money, and if your right palm itches - you will gain money.

  11. Itchy palm means money is coming.  There is also a chakra in the palms of your hands.

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