My fiance and I are engaged and have been together almost 3 years.
My family likes him and initially I believed his family liked me too; however, along the way his mom has made passive aggressive comments towards me, which I have chosen to let go and try to forget about.
We have also lived together for over 2 years and I know that his mom does not approve of this.
Most recently we went on a trip with my fiance's parents for three days and they did not once mention our wedding (asking how the planning is coming, etc.) nor have they provided/offered any financial support to us towards wedding expenses. His mom did say at one time that maybe they would pay for a rehearsal dinner.
So, in the car with his parents and I, my fiance brought up the wedding, to which his mom said things like "have you even set a date" and "I thought your dad was going to pay for it?" (meaning my dad, which I never even said in the first place).
My impression is that they do not want to help with the cost of the wedding. I also feel that deep down she does not think I am good enough for her "baby boy"... I am at odds about this with my fiance because he sometimes won't speak up to his mom and tell her that she is causing a problem because she has emotional ups and downs and he is afraid of upsetting her. I am willing to not ask them for a dime for our wedding but my fiance insists that they want to help and that his parents have never said they don't like me.
Also, we have NEVER asked his parents (or mine) for money or any type of charity. We bought our own house without help from anyone and we both work and drive nice cars and pay for everything on our own. Obviously we don't have money falling out of our butts, but what I am trying to say is that we are hardworking and independent people.