
Fiance : my fiance is living with me since almos 1 year now but.....?

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our plan is to work together to save money 4 the wedding , but she still not sworking n she seams to don't want to work, every time I tell her to go find a job she always want me to do it for her, my desition was this : I will talk to her family about the wedding until she start to work, and I also tell her that if she keep the same way until winter I will end our relationship,.. is these good desitions ? what should I do ?




  1. seems like she started using you,,imagine how she'll be when you get married to her....make the proper decisions about her soon,,,get rid of her and find someone who respects and really cares about you..

  2. Sounds like a good decision to me! If she won't work, you are right to want to end the realtionship. Once a freeloader, always a freelaoder! But youare smart to give her a chance, that is only fair.

    Good luck!

  3. She sounds selfish,only thinking about herself.Do you really want to marry someone like that.

  4. If you need a working wife, then you'll have to ask her to go.

    ( Sad that love will fly out the window - in cases like this)

  5. Yes- you should give her an ultimatum.

    Do you know how many marriages end because the wife is to lazy to work and the husband is under an enormous amount of stress trying to make ends meet?

    She appears to have a sense of entitlement about being a woman and being lazy.

    Women need to put in their 50% for the household finances in most cases.

    And even when the husband makes tons of dough, only a ignorant woman would sit back on her laurels letting someone else bring in all the cash.

    So she is either lazy or ignorant - is this something you want?

    Be very careful - divorce is EXPENSIVE.

  6. Decisions decisions.

    Maturity plays a large role in a marriage and she needs to understand that or step out.

    Wish you all the best.

  7. if she won't work now, she won't work need to get rid of her and find a woman to help out, it takes two  to make it in todays world

  8. Listen up.

    My ex-husband girlfriend used to work when they first met met and once she moved in, she stopped working "because she was busy planning the wedding" .

    They got married and she did not work, she made all sorts of excuses why not going to work. She used to work 2 jobs and is in perfect health, she simply said that she didn;t want to work anymore. My ex-husband adquired a lot of debt because of her (she was shopping happy) and he asked constantly for her to help him and she kept on refusing to work. They are now on the process of divorce after 2 years of marriage bliss and he still paying for their wedding!

    The red flags are up, if she's lazy now, she won't see the light after marriage. Things never tend to improve, but rather detiorate... so, tell her plain AND SIMPLE, work and stay employed and save or there will be no wedding plans.

    Good luck

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