
Fiance out-of-state?

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My fiance got tranfered out of state. I coulnd't go i had to stay and help my family. anyways we were trying to concieve but were unable too. we tried for 6mo and nothing .

what can i do to get my body ready for when he comes back.




  1. My fiance left for Alaska for three months (a month ago).

    We tried with no avail just before he left, but now I'm taking the time to prepare my body and become healthier.

    I'm keeping up with vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin B complex and a daily multiple. You could always take prenatals, too.

    Keeping up on exercise and staying as stress-free and healthy and active as possible is key! Keep track of your ovulation while he's gone, that way when he comes back, you'll be ready!

    good luck and baby dust!

  2. Exercise regularly, being healthy is key to conception. Take vitamins and tell him to start taking vitamins as well. You might try a detox of some sort to cleanse your body of any impurities. Also try to look up a diet that has a well balanced vitamin source. Good Luck and Baby dust to you when he gets back!!!!

  3. first of all...have you had a pap done lately?  if not then go for your physical and get checked out to make sure your good to go. (no cycts they can feel, no bacteria or can have bacteria that gives you no symptoms but is hostile to the sperm)  eat healthy and drink lots of water.  start on a vitamin like either a prenatal or a fertility vitamin.  start charting your temps every morning to make sure you have your cycle down and know when you ovulate and such.  if possible, have him take vitamins as well....something with zinc and selenium...both help with sperm count and motility.  monitor your cervical mucous and make sure you produce fertile cervical mucous.  if not you can start taking evening primrose oil or order in some pre-seed for when he gets back.  otherwise just keep active and healthy.  if you have all this ready for when he gets back you will have less worrying to do about knowing your body and you can focus on the enjoyment of baby making rather then stressing.
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