I stopped the moment I found out I was pregnant - which yes, I know I entirely should have and it is much more important for the mother to stop than the father.
He does pretty good at keeping the smoke away from me. Sometimes he doesnt realize I am around and I get on to him about it and he apologizes and gets away.
I have begged and begged him to stop smoking asap. I finally just said (when I was almost 4 months pregnant) you know what - smoke all you want now but promise me when baby comes you will be done - that was in 6 months. Now baby will be here in 4 months and he is smoking more than ever!
I know that he wont smoke around the baby but that isnt the point. The smell - all over his face and hands, in his clothes - I dont want my newborn breathing that! Our OB AND my fiances cousin who is also a dr both told us that it is crucial to our childs health when it is born to not smoke around him, keep the smell of smoke on his body away from him that even that could cause asthma and respitory problems.
Now when I ask him (which is rare these days bc I get so frustrated) if he is going to quit by the time baby comes he just gets irritated like I am asking for too much and says now that he doesnt even know if he will have quit by then. He will have had almost a year by the time baby gets here. I was a smoker just like him when we got pregnant - I stopped bc I had to, bc I wanted to be a good parent to my child in utero, and until the baby is walking and doesnt require AS MUCH help - I still wont smoke. But I guess I am willing to make more sacrifices than him. Not to mention that we were trying for a child and he said as soon as we got pregnant that he would quit - he fell back on that promise too, obviously.
Do I have a right to be mad? He says that you cant force someone (which I know is true) but I forced myself to and he can too. He says you have to ready to quit (his mom tells me the same thing) and I understand that, but I wasnt ready to quit when we got pregnant -but I knew I needed too... I just feel lied to and hurt through this issue..