
Fiance visa. what age and requirements.?

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my boyfriend(US citizen) and I are planning to get married. we've been together for 3 years.,he's curently in Guam for work as a US navy. what are the requirements and procedures to get it done. i live in the Philippines. and is 18 years old valid to file the k-1 visa? i've read some articles about this visa but i need a more detailed info, like a step by step procedure to get it done. thank you very much for the help :)




  1. Here's a step-by-step procedure:

    An overview of the process:

    Useful tips:

    The main requirement is that you two need to have met face-to-face within the past 2 years. It doesn't matter how long you have been together, although the longer you have been together (and can prove it), the more credible your application will look.

    18 years old is old enough since that is the minimum legal age to marry in most states of the US.

  2. For a K1 visa, you have to be able to prove you have at least a 2 year relationship and that it is valid.

    You will need to have written documents that verify your relationship and since you are from the Philippines you will be investigated thoroughly.

    The mail order bride business that thrives in the Philippines has made it harder for legitimate couples to obtain a visa.

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