My fiancee and I have been together for over 3 years and we love each other alot. However, this summer she is away from me all week long at work and she is "attracted" to one of her co-workers. I told her that it is natural for her to feel this "attraction" because this is the one that she spends all week with (she only gets to come home on the weekends). The have to be working together 24/7 so it makes sense that she would feel this "attraction". The problem is that she has never had this problem before and it has her very confused and she feels guilty for it so she decided that she wanted to have a "break". I completly respect her for telling me to my face about this instead of hiding it from me and I respect her decision to take a break until she gets things sorted out. However, it is completly killing me inside but I do not want to let it on that it hurts me. I dont know if that is a dumb move or not.
Also, I had to go and see her last night (4 days after the break started) and she got a "pouty" look on her face and when I asked her what was wrong she pointed to my ring finger where I used to wear my promise ring that she had gave me. I then told her that I was going to take her engagement ring back. She then told me she wanted me to leave because I was going to make her cry.
I know she still loves me but she just has to get her feelings straight. If anyone has any suggestions for what I should do please help me!