
Fiancee off meds!! help!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My fiancee and I are having some troubles. He has to take medicine otherwise he gets really depressed and doesn't want to do anything. Well he's been off his meds for a while (which is my fault as he can't drive because he is blind in one eye) and he's beginning to have some really bad problems. Well today he had promised that he'd help my grandpa with some things around the house if I dropped him off before work, and picked him up afterwards. Then last night he promised my grandma he'd cook her dinner. so The plan was to spend a nice evening with them. and all of a sudden this AM he doesn't want to come, which he's never done. It made me cry because i was confused (but now I realize it probably had to do with his depression) well that made him feel bad, and now he says that he's not going to be home when i come home tonight, that he is going to go find a **** or something like that... i don't know what to do! should i try to go get him during my lunch break? his dad is going 2 take him to the doctors tomorrow. but i'm afraid tomorrow will b2 late. i'm just heart broke, and he's never said anything like this to me before, i guess its just because he's been off his meds.

please help- i am at such a loss!




  1. You're probably right about it being because he's off his meds.  Gently talk to him about this, and let him know he acts so much better/nicer when he's on them.

    There can be an enormous difference in a depressed person when they're on meds.

    You should be aware that at times he'll feel he's doing great and doesn't need meds anymore.  But chances are he'll need to take them the rest of his life.  Although there is a possible alternative you two might consider.  It requires a docs recommendation, but it's called ECT, or electro-convulsive therapy (I think).  It requires several treatments over a period of 3-4 weeks, but is supposed to prevent depression when completed.

  2. People taking those kind of meds are not supposed to ever quit taking them suddenly.  Someone needs to find a way to get them so he can start taking them again.  Someone who needs these meds, often are not in their right mind going off them or without them.  There is no telling how he might behave without them.  Some of these meds have severe withdrawal type symptoms.  He is on them for a reason.  If it was heart medication wouldn't you or he find a way to get them?  These meds are just as important but in a different way.  Sometimes going off them can be the difference of life or death.

  3. I do not understand why it is your fault your b/f is off his meds because he can not drive.....

    He really sounds like a jerk and you are feeling sorry for him.

    He promised all these things do not let him manipulate you like this, he needs to grow up and you stop being his mother.

    If he does not honer his word to your grandma tell him you are not happy, it might be best he leave for a while.....fact is do you really want such  a person around you?

    Wish you well  

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