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When someone with fibromyalgia says that she or he feels SICK-what kind of sick? pneumonia,the flu, tension head ache?




  1. Flu-like aches (only worse) are a common symptom. Also, tension and/or migraine headaches are fairly common. Depression is very common. Insomnia, or getting a full night's sleep yet feeling exhausted. (Some doctors are beginning to believe that fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are linked.) There are a lot more, check out the link.

  2. Usually, when you haven’t been feeling right for a long time and everyone you talked to including your doctor, have pretty much made it clear that they think it’s all in your head. The doctor ran all kinds of tests and nothing showed up; no arthritis or lupus or anything else. No matter what the rest of the world says though, you know that your constant, chronic fatigue and unexplained pain aren’t normal. The whole thing is becoming rather depressing and it’s time to question your doctor about the fibromyalgia symptoms and the likelihood of it affecting your health. Just to review let’s go over the common signs of fibromyalgia and some of the less common ones as well just for good measure.

        * The common symptoms of fibromyalgia

        * Less reported signs of the disorder

        * Ways to combat the pain and discomfort


  3. Migranes.

  4. fibromyalgia is a skin disorder that effects the connective tissue the connects the skin to the muscles. When someone says they are sick it usually means muscle pains and aches. So far the best doctors advice to get rid of this pain is massage therapy....

  5. Fibromyalgia is NOT a skin disorder-that is the craziest theory I've heard so far.

    Muscles, Ligaments and tendons are not connected to the skin-the skin is a completely separate organ that covers bones, muscles, internal organs, ligaments, and tendons.

    Some people say they feel flu like-

    pain, stiffness, numbness, fatigue, poor sleep quality, weakness, memory problems.......

  6. tired and achey
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