
Fico is 654 after 2 years post bankruptcy and..?

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and I am planning to buy a condo(95000), what are the chances? should wait 2 more years?




  1. It could be better but it's not bad for two years out of bankruptcy and $95,000 is not a whole lot of mortgage debt.  Consult with a local realtor who may be able to help you.  

  2. 2 years is a minimum. What does your credit look like now? If you have re-established your credit and been on time with everything since then, I would recommend looking into an FHA loan. They have the most flexible guidelines when it comes to credit. It's hard to say for sure, since there are so many other factors when it comes to getting a mortgage - assets, down payment, income, etc. You'll want to talk with a direct lender who can take you through the pre-approval process and let you know if you qualify.

    I'll include a couple links below....they should help. Best of luck!

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