
Field?? stable??

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i am getting a horse soon who can live outside all year round..however is it safe anough for a horse to live in a field?? and will he need another horse for company or with me seeing him everyday nearly all day will he be ok on his own??

please help!!




  1. I can not stable my horse  for long periods as his legs swell up and he gets back  problems, so he has been  living out for over a year now and we are managing to keep his weight on.

    I have padlocks on the gates just in case but at his age (26) and with his problems I hope theft would not a problem.

    Although company is nice I do not see it is not essential. It would depend on the horse. I have known mares to go loopie if they are on their own for the first time but my gelding is too demanding with others. He has to be centre of attention and is much better natured when on his own.

    To those who insist horses are heard animals I would say He can see several horses near by! Just not sharing his field.

  2. It's much healthier for a horse to be outside with grass to eat then it is to have him locked in a stall and only turned out once a day. :) My horses are raised in the pasture, and they come into a nice big lean-two for shelter. I'd say go for it -- just make sure if he's used to being stalled that in the winter you watch to make sure he gets a good enough coat on for the winter. You can blanket him if you like, but if he grows a good enough coat I say don't do it, let him just grow it.

    Yes, he can be alone, but it would be nice to get him a companion animal. I owned my first horse alone for over a year and he was happy just seeing me, in fact we bonded together better BECAUSE he wanted to have me around, so we were much closer. I'd definately say if you're going to spend time with him every day, go ahead and just get him for a while until you buddy up. If you have a friend who wants to board where your horse is, or even if you decide to adopt an unridable companion horse (or get a goat!) your horse should be just fine

    If you are worried about theft you can take various measures, getting your horse microchipped and padlocking your gates. You should be fine, though. Good luck with your horse, deary.

  3. you do sound inexperienced. he will be ok on his own although not happy. horses need buddies

  4. If it is a hardy cob or something similar he will be fine out all year around, but a shelter would be good for winter. i would recommend that he have paddock pals though as they are a herd animal by nature and could become withdrawn or go the other way and freak out if he meets other ponies!!

    If this is not possible, ponies will graze with most other animals, but not pigs!

    As for the security issue, that depends on the area, there have been loads of stolen horses in Yorkshire recently, beware!

  5. Hi,

         It would be better for your horse to have company of another horse or pony. Maybe someone could share the cost with you? As regards being stolen  the only precaution you can take is to have your horse in a locked stable at night but this may not be practical so you just have to take your chance and make sure your horse is insured. Good luck.

  6. ok... living outside is no problem at all provided hes rugged up to brave the winter elements - and you say he has shelter so he'll be fine!

    With regards the company - I would look into getting him something to share the field with - even something like a goat or a rescue pony, as horses are herd creatures and can be quite lonely when on their own all day. I know he'll see you, but ideally he would have some other form of animal there with him


  7. He should be fine on his own as long as there is some form of shelter for him from flies, sun, wind and rain - ie a sturdy lean to or a bunch of trees or a hedge (not poisonous!!!)

    He will also need a good water supply.  Some horses will live quite happily alone, others do need company.  It depends on the charachter of the horse!

  8. I would say yes, it is safe. It does depend on the people in your town though. If you feel like your horse is at risk for being stolen, I would put him in at night and lock the door, although it rarely happens. Goats, miniature horses, alpacas, sheep, cows, and other horses are great company. Most animals except cows and horses need to be locked up safe away from coyotes at night. But again, you may not have coyotes or anything that's a danger to your animals. I would say another horse would be the best choice, just because if one horse stays outside, the other should be fine out too.

    Hope I helped, Good luck! :-)

  9. It's fine to keep a horse outside all year round as long as he has some kind of shelter as a run-in-shed,plenty of hay in the winter and fresh water at all times. A horse needs at least one and a half acres of good pasture per animal to prevent it from becoming a mud lot. Horses are herd animals and should have a companion ,makes them more at ease as there is safety in numbers. Consider a small pony for this,you may be able to get a rescue animal or old horse that needs a home. Make sure there are no gates close to your road that faces traffic.If there is put a padlock on the gate.And a no trespassing sign that helps in the case of intruder's.Wood fences are better because wire can be cut easier. There is a computer chip available for horses talk to your veterinarian about it. Be friendly with the neighbor's because they will watch out for your too. Give them your cell phone number in case of emergency.

  10. There is no problem with keeping a horse outside in a pasture or field. You will need to make sure the horse has a run-in shed to get away from the heat, rain, etc. I prefer also having a stall in-case something comes up where my horse needs stall rest or the weather is horrible- Whatever the reason It's a good idea.

    Horses are herd animals and generally do better in a herd-type situation. They don't reap the benefits of playing and interacting with other horses otherwise. I would diffidently get your horse a pasture-mate.

  11. Horses are herd animals, Therefor yes he will need another horse.

    Also a horse can live outside, but you need a backup plan. Sure he can stay outside, but will he have shelter? and what if you have hail, or what if its too cold for him to be outside, what if he gets a injury making him unstable for the outside.

    your not ready for a horse.
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