
Field stripping and processing...

by  |  earlier

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I am deer hunting for the first time this season and have questions about field stripping my kills (god willing) and processing. I have absolutely no desire to process my own game, but need to know the best way to field strip (I know the basics keep heat, moisture, dirt out, cheescloth and black pepper, etc.) but does anyone have more in depth info. Also I plan to take my kill to a processor, people with experience in this how much does it cost, and can you get it processed anyway you want. I always get the best answers on my hunting questions, it helps alot..thanks.




  1. contact your local fish and game or county extension office, they hand out printed instructions with pictures on "field dressing" and caring for many types of game animals.

    shoot safe

  2. It's actually called 'field dressing', and you have asked an excellent question!

    The field dressing guide I point beginners to is at this link:

    As to processing, I do my own, but where I live, the average price is $40 - $45 per animal. That's is deboned, major cuts, about 25% ground into burger, and wrapped in freezer paper. If you want sausage, or the major cuts in smaller pieces, that is extra.

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