
Fifa 08 Question - How do I increase my budget in manager mode?

by  |  earlier

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I want to play with Fulham but they have a very limited bank account... how do I drastically increase my budget? Also - I know one way to get money is to play games but what determines how much money you get from each game? Amount of goals? Thanks




  1. You have to win a titles so for the next season the team can have a bigger budget.

    salary,fans,moves made by your club.

    Increase ticket prices.

    Basically win games

  2. winning.

  3. ur contract determines ur money..sometimes when u win a championship u get more money

  4. First of all, make sure when you pick a sponser, that you get maximum funds from each game.  Also, if you offered goal bonuses in the player's contracts, your money is going to go down if they score a lot.   But the key thing to remember is that your game funds/victory bonus (if the sponsor provides any) is that it should be HIGHER than your player's contracts amount.  If not, you should probably consider selling one or two good players.

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