
Fifth Disease?

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My daughter just came home from school and the nurse told her she has fifth disease. She no longer has the flu-like symptoms and now has the rash. After doing some research online its something that cannot be treated with medicine. Does anyone have any tips to help her be more comfortable?




  1. Hi! Usually kids are not too uncomfortable with this illness.... just some itchiness. Try calamine lotion or an oatmeal bath.

    See more info at

    Good luck!

  2. I had this once in the 2nd grade.  I just laid around and watched TV.  Like you said its pretty much untreatable.  I do remember that i used Calmin lotion for the rash.

    Good Luck and I hope she gets better.

  3. It's common. It's somewhat itchy but that's pretty much it. If she gets a fever or feels ill just give her some Tylenol or Advil and keep some calomine lotion around to dab on it.

  4. Why do they call these childhood illnesses diseases??  Anyway... I checked our health guide and this is what it said:

    "A child with fifth disease is most contagious the week before the rash appears....  Home treatment is simply to keep the child comfortable and watch for signs that a more serious illness is present (fever over 38.3 C or 101 F)."  It also recommends giving the child plenty of fluids. I imagine Children's Tylenol would help to take down a fever and perhaps a cooling bath or damp cloth might help on the rash if it is hot.  If the rash is irritated I would make sure your daughter wears loose fitting clothes so things won't chafe and make it worse.  For the most part, time is perhaps the best healer.  Hope this helps.  Good vibes for a speedy recovery!

  5. Just the usual course of tylenol and / or motrin, alternating of course, for any pain or fever that she may have.  If she is itchy at all then try giving her an oatmeal bath.  This will sooth the skin irritation.
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