
Fight? 10 points best answer?

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im gonna fight 2 sophmore kids at once any techniques i can use to win, without kicking them in the nads




  1. 10 points to the best answer? Prince deserves 50 whether you like it or not, whether you fight or not. His answer carries wisdom. There is enough violence in this world without you adding to it.

    Look I know it is hard to let it go. It's a bitter pill to swallow. That pill is pride and ego, the real enemy. DEFEND yourself if need be but don't be a bone head and start a fight, with words or actions. Are you man enough to let them, BOTH of them, take the first swing? The only fight here is with yourself.

    By the way I wish to thank you for the has exposed a few fools. I hope you don't become one of them.

  2. Move around and try to make the fight as fair as possible for you or take the advantage of that situation. For example, you can move around so the two would end up bumping into each other, or try fighting them one on one, beat up the weakest one first and if you knock him out, throw him to the other guy and attack at the same time. Just don't get pinned by having one guy on one side and another on the other side. If that happens, just attack the weakest side as fast as possible and move away from the other side at the same time.

  3. Good call Prince...

    By the way Kixx and Tim H, where do you study and train?

    cause ill stay away from there if you train martial arts and then come on yahoo answers and tell a high school kid how to win a glorified never back down fight... d**n, both of you are getting technical saying solar plexus this and clinch his head that....then your sources say you study this karate and that aikido and black belt in this and tae kwon do that....

    You sound like biffs to me, or maybe you just enjoy giving martial arts a bad image...either way...i dont have any profound "never fight" wisdom...but i know an immature question when i read one...or maybe you are respectable martial artists you just really love yahoo answers point system...

    Tim H: 1. get in really close... - thats your advice??? get in really close?  good advice to give a highschool non martial artist fighting 2 people.....what about the techniques that are used to get in close without getting knocked wanna teach that too in a few short sentences in step by step format??? i should just skip class tonight and learn everything from you.

    Kixx:  Solar plexus? Make the first strike??? Boy you sound like a humble martial artist trying to advance mentally and spiritually...  

    sorry for the rant...i just dont get how anyone who REALLY studies and respects martial arts would give advice to someone who wants to engage in a highschool brawl...its so cheesy it makes me laugh....

  4. finger poke the biggest in both eyes by splitting your fingers when he starts reeling and crying throat chop the other one when he goes down gagging focus again on the larger one give him a two piece to the chin spin around and kick the other kid in the stomach proceed alternately beating both (as they are now victims) victims until they both admit that they are big p....... (kitty cats) and then grab your girl and slowly step into the sunset as you just became a hero

    i am a boxing coach and have recieved great advice on the net in regaurds to fights its like having a library full of books on hand if you think you cant learn effective advice on how to fight online well guess again you can and sometimes you cant walk away it opens the door for others to do the same to you stand up win lose or daraw you did not let fear divtate youre exhistance read this


  5. you should remain clam.

    "Control yourself, let others do what they will.

    This does not mean you are weak.

    Control your heart, obey the principles of life.

    This does not mean others are stronger."

    Thank you for the question.

  6. You need to make the 1st strike but make sure that 1st strike will take 1 guy down , solar plexus , nose , grion , knee. what i would do = if they both close to me dubbel fist attack to noses , they bouth put there hands on the nose then you can follow up with high kicks , low kicks , mid kicks , or just punches.

  7. street fighting is a good way to disrespect our beloved martial art's. If you are a martial artist or aspire to be one and others know that you are and you lose your fight, all you would prove is that martial arts doesn't work in a real fight. Is that what you want to misrepresent and disrespect our martial arts, i don't think so . I think that you are just cought up in the moment and that your smart enough to realize that the true warrior is he that can win a fight without fighting. use your mind before brawn and your victory will have true meaning for you and your aggressors.

    If you avoid fighting you don't only conserve energy, you will also l grow as a person and will have received a lesson that many martial artist fail to learn. many hospitals and graves a filled with those who failed to learn this lesson.

  8. hey swing 1st i never do this in a fight but its 2 on 1 make sure the punch takes the 1st guy out break his nose or something then just beat on the other one. id suggest hitting the tougher one 1st if there is one.

  9. I have to agree with  Prince Loeffler's first paragraph on this one.  

    BTW ..... Prince Loeffler please contact me, You have blocked emails to you.

  10. WTF...why in the world are you going to do this, is it for honor or is it just plain stupidity.

    Kid if you're American, this is the land where you tell the authorities.  If this were either of the countries I lived in prior to America, I would use advice below.  I grew up in Tel Aviv and lived in South Africa for a while.  Both places were very violent.  In South Africa grown men had to carry firearms to get to work and back, because the police wouldn't do anything about personal violence.

    Keep your back to the wall and use soft tissue stikes (throat, gum lines, eyes), collarbones are easy to break.  Honestly if you have a choice, pass on it.  Stikre decisively, don't hesitate.

    If you're American and you do this you will probably end in up in Juvenille Detention so forget what I said and seek counseling.  Kid, I grew up in a place where fighting meant your life, if this is some half assed thing, avoid it.   Save your parents the legal fees.

  11. Bring a club or a pipe......if you don't deserve what you get!!! Why don't you ask them to Man Up and fight you 1 at a time.

  12. ya look online at mike valley fight on youtube, anyways he fought like 4 dudes at one time, all you gotta do is swing and hit one guy first then hit the other guy like 2 times, where it dazes him then just go like back and forward, i have fought 3 guys at one time, its tough but if you got what it takes just keep moving k

  13. Im not going to tell you not to fight because thats dumb, I know that sometimes you just have to. Go for sensitive spots like the ribs, nose, and stomach. And just like someone else said try to get a friend to jump in and make it even.

  14. Throw some playboys on the ground, as the attention is diverted, kick them in the nuts!

    Seriuosly you asked and this is the best I can tell and un-trained person to do!

  15. Yeah,


    2)Have one of your friends jump in and make it a even fight.

    Well whatever you do, don't take it to the ground or else your going to be getting stomped on.

    I guess if I was forced to fight 2 guys I would try to clinch with one of them and knee the **** out of the guy then work the other guy over if I am still standing.

    Might as well take one of them out with you if your going down.

  16. tap the traingle button twice the do up up down down left and you will shoot a fireball at them

  17. Block all their punches with your face and when you feel that they're getting tired from beating you up, keel over and play dead, that'll scare the c**p outta them, especially if you cough blood, they'll think the cops will come after em for assault and attemped homicide : P

  18. Is there NO way to convince you of NOT fighting???

    *sigh*... okay.

    Divide & conquer- who says they have to lose AT THE SAME TIME???

    If you absolutely must lose TOGETHER, then you want to use one to attack the other. Redirect their energies toward themselves or each other. Make one think you will attack [him] and attack the other. USE YOUR PERIPHERAL VISION. USE YOUR ENVIRONMENT. USE THEIR PRIDE.

  19. I would do everything in my power to not fight. I've been in my share and they are never worth it unless you are truly protecting yourself and have no other option. Fighting isn't how it used to be when to guys would settle the differences and shake hands after the best man won. Now people of all ages are using weapons, ganging up on each other and not fighting fair. Kids and adults alike are getting into a lot more serious trouble with the law for fighting then they used to. I'm a juvenile corrections officer and deal with kids under the age of 18 all the time for fighting. You can easily be charged with assault for simply hitting someone one time. If you don't know what a "felony" is, look it up. And yes, it can apply to juveniles, or kids under the age of 18, in pretty much every state. Seriously, don't go fight two people at once. Best case scenerio, you end up with your *** kicked. Good Luck!

  20. You should bonk their skulls together, Three Stooges style.

  21. 1. get in really close, put your hands around his head. pull down and lift your knee into his head.

    2.straight jab punch into his nose and follow through. this will make his eyes water.

    3. stand side on feet spread apart, left foot forward but not to far apart. felt hand forward in front of your nose right hand against your ear. (opposite if your left handed)

    whatever you do try and stay on your feet don't fall to the floor.

  22. Hey Blue !

    Learning or asking for advice on how to fight on the internet is pretty much like trying to do circumcision on yourself by asking direction and advice from this forum. Either way you're gonna end getting seriously hurt and maybe even worst , killed !

    My response to this poster's question will regarded unpopular by many. But lets get to the bottom of the barell that contained the concoction of harsh reality and ugly truth.  

    It appears to be a trend in the teens nowdays to "Get Tough !" or "Be Tough !"  on everything. We hear more rhetoric about "getting tough" on things in order to avoid being bullied or mistaken for a wuss.  I am apalled that in every internet media,  such youtube and other free movie upload websites glorifies teen violence in schools in their sites.  

    Quite frankly, I am not impress.  I also find it more disturbing that many other posters will actually chimed and give their "opinion" of how to fight back. Questions such this does not belong in the martial arts.  Bullying and school fighting hardly constitute an action that of a martial artist.  Its a action stemming from a  person who cries for attention and the need for false sense of bravado.    

    So some kid insulted you or treated you disprespectfully,  somebody accidentally bumped or shoved you, somebody is trying to bait you into fighting him or her and you don't want to look like a loser because people are watching or the girl you been dreaming about in your math class is watching you.  So what !  Do you believed that the proper response to these petty little stupid things by using violence will justify your action and fix everything ?  So big stinking deal !   You are no better than the idiot that started the fight !

    People who acts or pretend to be tough typically suffer from lack of social skills .  They misinterpret social situations and often respond with aggressive persona.    

    Do you want to know my difinition of what a "tough" person is all about  ?   Take a closer look at the Firefighters, Police Officers, The Men and Women of the armed forces and many others who risked their lives on the daily basis to save others.  That's a tough group of people !

    You want to proved your fighting prowess or have the need to expend your hyper energy by fighting  ?  Why not join a martial arts school or MMA clubs.  Get involved in Full contact tournaments and or become a profesional MMA fighter.   This is a more respectable venue.

    Don't get me wrong, unless you are positively sure that your life is in grave danger, Fighting back  to "defend"  yourself  is within your legal means and rights.  Then again, I am not a lawyer, perhaps your should consult with one.  

    Rest assured that  if you chose to fight back because your "ego" or "rep" is being tarnished , you can be in a world of trouble with the school as well as the law.  Your future does rely on your ability to make a right decision today !      

    Remember Sun Tzu once said "To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting".

    If you don't like my answer, go ahead fight with all your heart's contenment and let us know what its like to be in jail once you get out.

  23. the fight is determined by the first hit. show you arent afraid and it will scare them into fighting more defensively. if thats the case wait for them to hit and kick their legs from under them

  24. karate chop the best. quick & powerful. after every hit, revert to defense stance mode & attack again, Keep attacking every open targets, face & body, repeat until both lay flat on the ground & can't fight back anymore.

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