
Fight edicit, WHAT DO DO?

by  |  earlier

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THIS JUST HAPPENDE A LITTLE WHILE AGO IN A BAR when two stranger are having a fight near u and u dont know who they are and one of the is out numbered and u know u can jump in is ok to stop the fight be for it happens or stop it when more then one person join in a fight like 2 on 1 or 3 on ?




  1. I have found that when it is possible to help out with a problem as this you can yell out as loud as you can HAY and clap your hands one time really loud , make it sound like a gun going off if you can. It is very distracting for every one in the whole place and will most times defuse the argument because of all the atention they get.

  2. If you're in a bar. let the bouncer take care of it and stay away.  Unless someone is getting killed (literally), you have no dog in that fight.

    Then stay away from bars where fights happen.  

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