
Fight????? important?

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today some 13 yearold kid i dont even know whipped a water bottle at me so i pushed him and said id kill him if he did it again then hes like i was just joking so i said f**k that just dont talk to me so then the little punk is like im gonna get my brother im 15 i think his brother is 17 he supposedly does karate but im kinda tall like 6'1 and am a black belt and box what should it do?




  1. well if ur a black belt at karate you shouldnt be afraid

  2. kick the c**p out of his brother. sounds like you could take him

  3. I guess you'll have to find out for yourself who's the better fighter when big brother shows up... black belt or no, it means nothing if you've not learn that martial arts is just about fighting. I did martial arts too & I'd taken out a couple of black belters (I'm not even a brown belt), but sometimes when I get pushed into a fight, I choose not to, not 'cos I'm scared... just don't want people to get hurt badly by me. I can choose to just roll with the punches & make them think they got me whipped, or I'll try not to hurt 'em too much... to win a fight without even fighting is the best a martial arts fighter can ever achieved.

  4. The scenario that you gave us sure doesn't sound like a black belt!

  5. wow...... that's reallyyy bad. IDIOT. anyway,

    what i'd do is suck up.

    or do research. what's this guys like? is he good? are you better?

    Get your friends to help too.

  6. You seemed to forgot about self control, a BIG PART of being a BB. It was wrong for the kid to whip a water bottle at you, but does that mean you should lose control and say you're going to KILL him? No, if it was up to me you'd lose your black belt so fast.

    You should apologize to the kid for overreacting, and politely point out that the next person he decides to whip a water bottle just might kill him joking or not. And really work on self control.

  7. William B:

    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    *bow* William

  8. If you are a Black belt, fom a reputible good school, this never would have happened. I bet it took you a year or so to get your Black belt. As for anything else I think William P covered it very well, and i really have nothing to add, and I too would like to know what school you train at.. If you really are a black belt you should be able to provide that info. If not you are a troll.

    to the first 3 respondents. Leave the Martial arts section and don't return plese, as it's obvious you don't study.

  9. You should not be a Black belt.  You obviously have no self control.  If you were in my school the instructor would kick your a$$.  You are just a bully.  I hope his brother beats some sense into you.

  10. Why would you ever threaten to "kill" a 13 year old?

    That is murder dude, and I don't care how much of a bad a$$ you think you are, you'd get raped in prison for killing a kid.

    Grow up a bit and don't be so sensitive when someone insults you.

    Self defense is one thing, but make them throw the first punch.


  11. Fight him duh...

  12. You have a black belt and you're out there pushing little "untrained" kids around? I'd like to throw a bottle at your face my self knowing that.  What Karate school do you go to bully?

    And what's it like being able to push some little "untrained" kid around? does that make you feel tough? does that make you feel all superior?

    Then listen to these three answers above me here wow you're all so educated.  

    Once the kid said he was joking you should have let it slide.....but noooooooooo you're too much of a bully to be compassionate.....I'll bet your sensei is a total class "A" s***w up!!!

    You don't deserve your ranking're just a bully with training....which makes you the worst kind of bully.

    I wish I knew your sensei ..........

  13. Well for one, if the kid is for real about fighting, at least give him a good fight, a belt means nothing, a belt is just there to hold up ur pants, it doesnt even exist outside of the dojo.

    Dont right away say "ill kill you" cause u can get into quite some trouble w/ the law if the kid says something.

    Just try and avoid the fight by talking it out, if not.. let him hit u first and then attack, so u wont get in much trouble it will be considered self defense

  14. I think people who answer this question is being over reacting. Remember, these are teenagers.

    Back to this question. If the 13 years old kid accidentally whipped a water bottle at you, you should ask him "why did you do that?". If he said it was an accident and that he was sorry. You move on. If it was not an accident or he did not apologize. Just slap him on the head lightly as a warning, tell him not to do it again. (but don't express your killing intent because it is not too big of a deal, you only express that sort of intent if someone hurt/threaten  your love ones, such as your family or  girl friend). If he does it again, same thing, slap him on the head. Eventually he will get it, that, doing bad things over and over again, means that he get slap on the head over and over again.

    As for now, if his brother come around, just tell him that you were minding your own biz when his little brother whipped a water bottle at you for no reason. And you just gave him a warning and that you think it is fair. Ask him what would he do if some 13 years old kid does the same thing to him. If he is a reasonable person, he should accept your explanation and discipline his brother.  If not, he may try to bully you, if you are physically threatened, act!! Make the first move if you have to. strike his weak points. and don't stop until he is down. There are times for diplomacy and there are time for action.

    Street rules:

    1. Be a friendly and sociable person. When possible, talk yourself out of it calmly. It is better to have more friends than to have enemies. Tell him that , you just wanted him to stop whipping the water bottle at you. That was your intention the whole time. You just want to be left alone.

    2. When someone, threaten or bully you. Beat him up straight away even before he finishes his sentence. Put the bully in his place. Show him that he is massing around with the wrong kid. After that, regardless of whether you win or loss (try to win), he will respect you for it. He will respect you for standing up for yourself. Otherwise, he will bully you again and again. Beside, it is good practice to test your martial art skills to see what is working and what is not. Bullies are the best people to test on. Gaining fighting experiences is important to be a good fighter.

    3. Don't bully others, because it is not right and also, one day you will get beaten up.

    4. Don't lose. Train harder, let it be a motivation. train 2 hours per day. for now and train 3 hours per day when you are 16 years old. divide your time into 2 sessions.
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