
Fight tactics?

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I'm not very good at fighting to be quite honest. I can throw a punch and take one but two out of four of the fights I've been in, I've lost. So I need to know a sure fire way to win a fight with any size of a guy, without training in any kind of martial art. Someone told me to go for a low blow then hit punch both their ears then knee them in the nose as hard as possible but I am not sure. Tell me what's a sure fire way to win a fight?




  1. You have one good answer and two from people that have no idea. I could not say it any better then Dzpmanti, except to re-enforce the best way to win is not to fight. If you are looking for self defense(and there is a difference between that and fighting) find a qualified instructor. the other two answers after dzp's you can disregard, cause they have no clue.

  2. First, off-no fight is gaurenteed as victory or defeat.  

    But here are a few tips that require little or no martial arts training (though you could do well to join a reputable dojo).

    1. A Fighter chooses his fights and enjoys them.  A Warrior is chosen for fights, and does not enjoy them.  Take the approach of the Warrior.  You cannot lose a fight you don't participate in.  Save your strength and energy for the possibility an attack that is potentially life-threatening.

    2. Be deceptive.  When fighting in self-defense, there is no longer any reason to fight with "honor".

    2a. Fake a left, and trow a right.  Fake a snap kick and drop and sweep his legs.

    2b. Act weak and lure him into striking range.  When you strike-STRIKE HARD and with determination.  If you can fake fear and weakness, you can make your enemy drop his gaurd.  He will approach you hap hazardly, leaving you an oppening in which to take him down and leave the scene.

    2c. Alternatively, act insane.  This is risky, as your attacker may actually get help from cops, other witnesses, ect.  One day, when walking to work at night, I was approached by two thugs acting very suspiciously.  After watching them out of the corner of my eye, I turned slowly to them and said "I'ts about time you showed up-I was getting bored!" and started walking towards them.  They scattered and I never saw them again.

    3. Understand your surroundings.  What can be used to your advantage?  Can you throw dirt in their face?  Can you get the sun behind you back and in their eyes diminishing their sight?  Can you lure them onto damaged ground to make them trip?

    4. Walk with confidence, but not arrogance.

    These are just a few of the many tactics I have used in my heydays in self-defense.  They have never failed me and I have been attacked several times until I adopted point 4.

    Basically, do not choose a fight. However, If one is thrown on you and you are in danger do what you have to do to survive.

  3. Get into good shape....low blow, box ears, groin,  all that jazz won't do you any good against someone who's being unpredictable....get into good shape and youll do well against any untrained fighter.....most people don't realize the amount of stamina it takes

  4. "be the first to cheat...the last to cheat...and don't forget to cheat in the middle" ...Hock

  5. first off there is no one killer technique that will defeat an opponent

                          however... there are some techniques that are meant to be devastating to an opponent.

    1 : if male a kick to the groin area

    2: a choke hold (sleeper guillotine etc.)

    3:weapon usage (this also gives a huge advantage in a fight) (guns, knives, a bottle, pipes, etc.)

    4: a cheap shot back turned or what have you and knock his @$$ out with #1-3

    5: train harder than hard get into a fighting sport get good training in and hope to your deity of choice you've trained hard enough to take big boi jenkins down

  6. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

  7. There are unlimited scenarios in a fight. There is no one way to win a fight. Any good fighter knows that. You must train to be ready for anything. The best way is to train in martial arts. One martial art isn't enough for me though, I've trained in as many as I can and I'm still going!

    However, if you won't train in a martial art then just remember this saying. "Strike first, strike hard!"

  8. There is no way that I could (or would) convey that information over the internet.  Things that work for me may not work for you.

    Plus the only "sure way" to win a fight is not to get into one.

    People can tell you to do this, this and this and you will win.  They are either inexperienced or idiots. (or both)  Without any training (by an actual person) you will continue to loose.

    You need someone to teach you.

  9. The Key is CONFIDENCE.

    you gotta not be scared or act scared.

    you can win a fight verbally just by shuttin your opponent down. ther loook them in the eye show you wnat to hurt them.
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