I had a VERY vivid dream last night. A large grey eagle was attacking a very large rainbow colored parrot. The eagle was biting the parrots neck and the parrot was screaming. I was watching all of this from the inside of a car and covering my eyes because it was so horrible. Then the parrot all of a sudden starting fighting back. They were fighting on the sidewalk and the parrot was actually keeping up with the Eagle. Then out of nowhere the eagle flew into the car I was in and sat on the headrest behind my head. I was scared at first, until I realized the Eagle was not planning on hurting me it was just taking a time out and planning it's next attack on the large colorful parrrot that was to everyones suprise holding it's own in the fight with the large Eagle.And it went on for much longer. The most vivid part of the dream was the grey eagle, it's talons, beak, and the very colorful giant parrot. Any thoughts?