Two of my brothers made prank phone calls using *67 to some friends and their families. Apparently, they prank phone calls became excessive, or beyond a typical prank phone call. No threats were made, nor anything violent, but I guess they shook up one of the families, and called one other several times.
The cops "apparently" tracked the call with the patriot act (I thought that was a little excessive for a prank phone call), but now the detective told one of my brothers he will be charged with two counts of disorderly conduct, and the other still doesn't know what he has coming.
I guess no papers have been flied, and there are no court dates. The one brother who is getting the disorderly conduct told them the whole honest story.
They are both minors, and apparently are facing probation, and could have been sent to Juvi. The one brother who is getting two counts of disorderly conduct has a past of prank phone calls.
My question is, is it worth getting a lawyer and trying to fight the case? How likely under these circumstances he can get away without probation. I'm willing to pay any costs, but how much would one expect to pay a lawyer for this kind of case, additionally what kind of lawyer would one seek?
ANY information or suggestions is helpful.