My fiance and I cannot agree on a reception location. He likes a country club. I dont have a problem with the country club, but it accommodates 150 people sitting, and we invited 250! He said to have it open enough to where guests could sit outside under the pavilions, but I think its really rude to do that. I found a hall in a hotel that has plenty of space to hold every one, and my parents said they'd pay for the catering if we had it at the place I chose. However, my fiance will NOT under any circumstance have the reception at that hall because of the town its located in! We live in suburban Ohio and unfortunately do not have limitless choices as to where our reception can be held.
This is causing so many fights between him and I, and my mom and I. I just want to throw in the towel and call it quits (on having a wedding as opposed to just going to the court house). Has anyone had this much trouble over selecting a location??