
Fighting and Training in MMA?

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I'll be joining my MMA gym next month (sept. 21) and was wondering if it'll be a good activity/fun sport and a great workout. And for you who fight in mma give me some advice and what was it like your first time? is it scary?

P.S. I also want to know why are people saying that this sport (mma) is way to violent or barbaric when right now im watching football, hockey, rugby, and motocross and that looks way to violent.





  1. What I want to know is, why is it that when people ask questions about MMA classes, they ask does it hurt, or is it scary. You will learn technique. Your not going to be sparring after the 2 day. Thats is all you learn, TECHNIQUE. And of course conditioning.

  2. Life just gets better.

    I mean the work out, the people, the challenges...

    its amazing!

    the higher confidence.

    you wake thinking of training and go to sleep wanted to wake up'

    to got o the gym.

    Altough is violent, what is'nt?

    its fun, beneficial

    and rewarding.

    believe it or not, it's very safe.

    these days no one lets any one get hurt(badly).

    they'll know when enough is enough.

    they humiliate you by putting u up against

    a "monster" but some one at your level.

    and ONLY! ONLY if you think you're ready

    or want the challenge.

    This sport is growing unbelievably fast.

    which results in high competition and

    lots of good fighters.

    =fight hard, train harder!

    My first fight, i was shaking like a d***o!

    but after i got hit a few times, i knocked the c**p out of him!

    after that fight my

    confidence level flew out the roof and

    i knkew i was ready for anything!

    Never doubt yourself.

    always give it your best and

    never train less just because the fighter "looks"

    less prepared than you.!

  3. Well I don't know where your going but where I go the first day you should be one of two things unless you already have top notch aerobic and anaerobic cardio. Giving up or light headed. They make you do a lot of circuit training style calisthenics. Like you gotta do 30 jump squats ,30 crunchs and 30 push ups with out stopping and then when you done they tell you to jump roap until they tell you stop and then you do it all  with out stopping. You can stop if you want but that attitude just won't get you anywhere. Thats what we did today. Then we did jujitsu matches with light punching just to let you know we can. Yea you might be able to grapple with one kid and not be dead tired. But then 2 kids, 3 kids 4,5,6,........get it. You will get a good work out. My advice. Push your self as far as you can. Show respect to everybody, Don't act like your hot **** and don't worry. You'll be fine. Least at my jiujitsu place and my boxing/mma place people are really nice. People tend to be nice in these places cause what you can do in a fight is on the table. Once you fight a kid it's a lot easier to be his friend...

  4. chin down, thats the first and best advice i can give u its fun, and a great workout, ur gona feel strange as h**l doing some of these things dont worry its normal stick in their and u will get it soon

    in regards to ur other comment people are scared of what they dont understand, do u know how many peole ask me how i got a broken nose or a brused eye, and i tell them i had a amateur mma match they look at me like i am from another ******* world, however i say UFC and they are like" ...oh right, i know that, thats cool , ur cool kind bullshit", most people still dont know what mma is about, and it sound more violent then boxing bc u can kick, and knee, or try submissions

    but it safer bc u have more options to defend and fight back, i think eventually people will realize its not as media portrays it, however MMA can be dangerous regardless of how carful u are its just part of the sport  

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