
Fighting back?

by  |  earlier

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Me and a guy from school got into a fight recently. He came up from behind me and started hitting me with a shoe.(the side and bottom of the shoe). I tried to fight him off as best i could but he weighed more than 60lbs more than me. He hit me at least 15-20 times. I finially grabbed him by the neck and shoved him away.(I guess you could say i chocked him) IT was only for 5 sec to get him off of me. Then he returned to hitting me. THough the shoe hurt it left n bruises as evidence. There were seven other witnesses in the room, none of which were adults. None of which helped me. Now a few of the seven kids have started to talk about it. And it makes it seem like i was the violent one, because he said he was lightly patting me, just jokingly. Now everyone is taking his side. I was the one who "choked" a kid weighing 60lbs more than me with one hand, and it seems like i am to blame. Any ideas? I dont like the word choke because it is a violent word for what happened.




  1. pray to  God to help you handle it how is best in his eyes. pray with your heart.

  2. You have to prove that you did that in self defence, and only he initiated the quarrel. then you will get justice.
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