
Fighting collections?

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We bought a new bed 3 years ago, It was on lay away for a year then when we payed it off, the mattress company the built it and delivered it to our house, now they are saying we never payed it off and sent us to collections. We showed the collection agency the receipt that showwed 0 balance and the words payed in full and dated. The company is saying we probably forged it and now they are adding interest. How do we stop this c**p.. can we sue......where and which court




  1. Depends on if you have more proof, other than the receipt, meaning did you pay via credit card, cash, check, bank statements etc..  Any additional evidence in your favor will help.  Then you can contact the collection agency again with the proof, don't give it to them or fax it to you.  Just ask them again to validate this debt, and show that you didn't pay this item off.  Also, you can contact the original creditor and ask them for help.  And then proceed from there.

  2. just ingore their bills and calls. They can't charge you for something you already paid, if they tried to sew you they would be idiots since you have proof you paid it. I think the best you can do right now is threaten them to stop bothering you or you'll sew them for harrasment, that or just keep ignoring them.

  3. If you have proof that you have no problem. Ensure that you credit report is not affected by this situation.

    Write a formal letter to this company with a COPY of the receipt attached. If you continue to request payment, report then to your local politician and call the local new station. They love stories that that. It would be bad for business on their part.

    Good Luck

    Mrs. Jax

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