
Fighting for my son?

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well its actually my friend. her son would now be 2 1/2 and we are trying to look up information on how we or she can keep on fighting. her son was taken away at 4 months for false accusation information. we live in winnipeg,mb by the way, anyways she started fighting at 10 months and was fighting until this spring. and last minute they said nope hes going to be adopted out.

we want to find ways to keep fighting what would our next option be




  1. i would go with the first answer


  2. My daughter was taken away for the same thing 2 years ago when she was 8 months old my aunt ended up getting custody of her and thats where she is at now, Im trying to get her back to, everyone on here keeps telling me that i have to get a lawyer, but not like everyone is rich and made of money, i would see if she can get some kind of court appointed lawyer and tell them whats going on they should not be able to adopt her son out if she is trying what she can to get him back, tell her to start parenting classes and do everything to court asks her to she will have a better shot at him, courts like to see kids with there mothers if it is possible but i also in ohio but good luck

  3. ask the lawyers they shud no but sounds like there minds made up hun..

  4. Seek legal help if she is really serious and has her life straight with nothing to hide.

  5. well sadly if the state feels the accusations were just then there is nothing you can do. To be honest I'm going through this with my step kids the mom got them taken and now the kids live with us she has 6 months to get her **** together parenting classes, drug program etc or she will lose them to the state and they will then be places with there dad and me. her offenses were serious and it sounds like if the courts took him from her so were her offenses cause the state doesn't like taking children unless it is absolutely nessary to there saftey sooo either she is hiding something or she didnt try hard enough when she had the chance sooo sorry for her loss!    
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