
Fighting in my dreams?

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I had a dream last night where I was at lunch at school and I was talking to this girl and her friend came over and kissed me. She started laughing and so did I. Then I walked away and her boyfriend came up to me and punched me in the face. I managed to get him on the floor and punch him a few times but each punch was so slow and powerless. I even told myself in the dream that I need to remember the times I was in boxing. I guess I won the fight in the dream. I always have dreams where my punches are slow and powerless. I've never been in a real fist fight. What does this mean?




  1. If you dream that you are going after a person; it really means you are fearing that person is coming after you and vice versa. But the pursuer of the fight is the aggressive one.. school dreams are very common. young people often have school dreams when they are uncertain about their future. I had school dreams until my mid thirties. But you really are in school. The reason you dream that your punches are slow and powerless is because you are almost in a state of paralysis. The inability to do things like run or walk as well or just to move your body when you are in a situation where you want to escape and ward off your attacker puts you in a state of panic. This is a dream of conflict and due to the inability to cope with your conscious problems; the subconscious in the dream state only serves to magnify the dilemma.He pursued you so he is represented as the aggressive one or atleast in your dream state he symbolizes the aggressor. How many of us have had dreams of being hurt or falling and we feel defenseless when this is going on and completely out of control? The reason you hit that guy in your dream is BECAUSE you are a pacifist  and we do things in our dreams that we would never do in our normal every day lives. You are taking your frustrations out in your nightmares and this is a very healthy outlet. A h**l of a lot healthier than actually having a fist fight at high school.

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