
Fighting this kid?

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i need some tips for fighting this kid in my class he is my size and i dont know how to fight good i just need to know what to do im going to make him hit me first. (and dont say fighting is bad you shouldnt do it)




  1. if your in school and you dont know how to fight, you dont let him hit 1st, u take the first punch always, tuck your chin and keep your left forearm beside your head because most kids who fight in school only throw right hooks when they punch with their right arm. dont keep your head still. if you fight in the actual school itself, chances are it will be broken up right after it starts, so if you get the first punch or 2 and your not bleeding and/or on the ground afterwards, you win. and also, if you take a hard punch to the nose, its most likely going to break and your gonna go pretty blurry and start bleeding but on the bright side, its not that bad next time it breaks

  2. kick him in his balls

  3. fighting is bad.

    fighting is very bad.

    fighting is verrrrrrrrry bad.

    I can't believe that those people who answer this question actually encourage fighting !

  4. You don't sound too smart.  You don't know how to fight and you want him to hit you first?  I would love to be there when he drops you on the first punch.  You can't learn to fight by reading something posted in here.

  5. Corso above me is right.  You don't go to a gunfight to make the other guy shoot first.  There is only one goal in a fight: get out of it alive and intact.  You do that by hitting your opponent and repeating that until he stops moving.  There is no ethics or code or honor, it's just survive.

    Take some kind of martial arts class, once you're trained, you'll no longer need to know how to fight.  It's weird how that works.

  6. Now im a wimp, whos recently bulked up.  But ive taken kids my size and a bit larger.  What i found out is the faster you punch, the more intimidating you look, and the smaller the chance of the other hitting back.  Never let your opponent get between you and his fist, otherwise he'll probably throw a haymaker and with that speed it will damage you a lot, maybe KO.  Bounce around, dont stay in one spot, and when you win, brag till the sun goes down....

  7. I'm going to make this perfectly clear.  If you are going into a fight expecting someone else to hit you first then you dont honestly want to fight.  Anger can get the best of you sometimes and I really think you need to ponder what exactly this will accomplish for you.  If you have NEVER fought then you have NO IDEA what it feels like to get hit.  Lets say you let him hit you first.  What happens if he busts your nose and you cant effective will you be after that?  What if he just plain knocks you out?  Somehow I dont think me telling you how to KO someone is going to help if you are unconscious.  If you are scared and literally think fighting this person is your only chance...dont wait to get hit...wait to get swung at.  Dont just let him hit you for gods sake.  Make him miss and then hit him clean in the nose or the jaw.  Make sure you hit him with the first 2 knuckles though...not the last 2 that includes your will most certainly bust your knuckles if you do that.

    Please do not try to roundhouse kick someone...if you arent trained in Martial Arts you will just look ridiculous and get laughed at.

  8. violence is wrong so you should avoid him and don't fight him if you can, but if you must make sure your friends are there to back you up if things get out of hand. best thing to do is punch to the face and then a quick hard roundhouse kick to the thigh or leg. the first two punches need to be straight but don't worry about them landing b/c they are only there to make it so you opponent cannot not see the kick coming. a lot of people don't expect kicking in a fight and if you land a lot of kicks to their lead leg they won't want to fight b/c it will make it so they can't walk for a few hours.

    you should also know that you won't learn to fight online you can only do that by going somewhere to train how to fight

  9. I beat the S**t out of a kid recently for wrapping a bra around my head, I got up and hit him in the nose and it started gushing out the blood and continued to beat the S**t out of him in front of the entire bus.
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