
Fighting tips (boxing)?

by  |  earlier

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Every friday me and a bunch of friends get together and party. And we usually have a friendly boxing match (with gloves). Next week its my turn, and i am fighting a dude who i know is a little stronger, but also a little faster. I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips to maybe help give me a slight advatage over him. Again, its a friendly fight, but i still have to look good =D hahha.




  1. You can use many ideas at different times to suit you. Pace yourself so your can use your legs to apply pressure or soak it up. Don't be a sitting duck, bob and weave, if you keep moving your opponent will get frustrated and make you harder to hit while increasing the chance of him making a mistake. Keep your concentration, one slip could be damaging. If your opponent is quicker it might be better to counterpunch, in this case vary your counterattacking, keep switching between the body and head to keep a degree of surprise in your punches. Show a big heart, it means a h**l of a lot and it you do lose you keep your dignity.

    Hopefully these ideas are only the start.

  2. 100% agreed with q on this one

  3. go to a boxing gym if you want to learn to fight and stop doing silly things at parties

  4. alright if hes taller than u and has a longer reach u wanna get inside his reach and take the advantage from him. from the inside throw to the body to get him to drop his hands and defend himself, then take him out in the head. I know u said he has more power, but if hes smaller and u have the reach advantage, work behind a jab. keep him away from u so he cant use his power, and just work combinations on him from a distance. if he does get inside on u tie up his hands and if u have like a ref dude he should seperate u so u can go back to usin ur reach. if u dont have a ref u can just try to shove him off u since theres no ref to tell u not to. no matter who has the height advantage dont just stand still and throw punches, always be movin, throw punches in combinations but always keep your hands protecting yourself. also its good to no a little about anatomy like the liver is on the right side of the body so a well placed left hook to the body and the guy will feel like he got shot. do it right and hes not gettin up for a while. also the solar plexus makes it tough to keep fightin, and the chin and temple r good targets on the face. good luck.

  5. Here's what ya do, Monday or Tues, have your friends over after school and then have your mother come in and say ''you are grounded for a month" for doing or not doing something  you were suppose to( grades, chores, etc, etc) That way ya "Save Face" more ways than one

  6. OK what u do is let him feel like hes got the advantage (let him get a few shots in) and when he gets to confident and starts not to cover up act like ur gonna hit with ur bad hand but hit him with ur good one.

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