
Fighting/ training nicknames, what is it, who gave it to you and why?

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I'll even go first. Mine was Omega, my head kickboxing trainer gave it to me. I use it as kind of tribute to him, he died about 5 years ago now. He told me he gave me that nickname because from day one of me training with him, I was always looking for the end of the fight. My first 5 fights were all KO's - 4 in my favor and 1 against. He said I looked for the end of the fight so much that I was always going to find it whether it was to my favor or not.




  1. in muay thai-headhunter,in most of the others ive been involved in BUSHIDO.

  2. The nickname I used to get called  - Aquaman.  I always worked out wearing t-shirts with superheros on them.  And I sweat a lot.  You figure it out.

    At my current gym I don't have a nickname.  

  3. Mark the mugger is mine.

    I got it because when I played soccer as a kid, I was always too rough.  I even got "asked" to play in a different league than AYSO.

    I guess that's why I enjoy martial arts so much :)

  4. pinocchio , i have a big nose , i never liked it ,

    but it makes me train harder and fight harder as i have

    something to prove.

  5. Dangerous Dave, but mainly shortened to ( Dangerous )

    Given to me many years ago as I faced many bullies and hard men supposedly, and always in self defence as I was badly bullied from 11-17yrs old and decided at 18yrs old I'd rather die than keep going through that and after 10 long years of standing up and being counted for and unbeaten I gained a rep which to this day I'm not proud of and wished someone would have taken me under their wing and shown me that real men don't need to fight ,so I learned the hard way (also the wannabes and gun slingers unfortunately) and these days my Buddhism the last 5yrs as changed me thank goodness ,only sheer luck has stopped me from being killed or killing someone,please don't take this as boasting.

    Best wishes :)***

  6. the Russian, bc no one has any idea what or where Bosnia, so they all calling me Russian, very insensitive but it has stuck  

  7. My nick name at school is Frank the Tank. My sparring partners gave it to me. I'm a bit overweight and tend to hit really hard.I got the name during my test for 1st Dan. They said sparring me was like trying to take out a tank. After a few rounds one of them finly KOed me.

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