
Fighting with a Bowie Knife?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anywhere that I can learn to use my Bowie Knife as a weapon? Any specific training regiment? I don't really have any martial arts experience, but I'm okay with my hands.




  1. any filepeno style will work Arnis, Kali, Escrima, Bastion, silat there is no well known style that specificly uses the bowie knife

  2. dude you pull out a bowie knife in a fight id c**p my pants unless i have one or a gun but you need to slice and stab not much to it

  3. Silat works with knives

    most "street defense" type places will cover some using and disarming moves with knives

    my sensei did some Silat and incorporates parts of it into his MMA work advanced class for the arm locks and such

    the only thing he covered with knife fighting tho

    was slice there leg at the thigh and run away


    on youtube i came across a guy who was giving like a 3 part instructional thing on knife fighting maybe 25 minutes long in total

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