
Fighting with a friend/rumours.?

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Well, I have been friends with this girl for 3 years. We are pretty tight and just recently she got a job at the place I work. It has been about 2 months and she just called me tonight. She said 'so why have you been talking about me behind my back?' and yes, I did tell a few co-workers a bit about her, but nothing bad. Just normal details. So I said 'well, people asked about you and I told them a bit' so she goes 'so you told them that I'm a ***** and a s***k?' and I NEVER called her either of those terms. So I told her I never said that and she didn't believe me. She said that a few people have told her that and now, instead of believing me (her friend of 3 years) she is believing some older girls who she just wants to impress who she has only known for about 2 months.

HELP ME! I don't want her to be mad at me, what do I do??




  1. Well, first of all you have every reason in the world to be mad at her.  Sorry, but your friend of 3 years seems to be kinda childish.  Do you really want a friend who will take other peoples side whom she doesn't really know?  That messed up, and she needs to grow up.  I think that you should tell her how you feel, and what truly happened until she realizes that you are telling the truth.  Sounds like you're a good friend, and if she really was a good friend also, then she would listen to you, if not, then you know that she may not be the best person to be around.

  2. i think u need to try and sit down and talk to her and say we have been friends for blah years and that do you think i would do this to you . explain that u did say something about her but it was normal stuff . if that doesnt work send her flowers and her favourite chocolates . let it blow over and is she really a good friend if she cant beleive u when u have been friends for that long .


  3. Tell her the truth. Tell her you really were talking about her, but not like that. Tell her that you would never say something like that about her, and that if she chooses to believe them over you, maybe she should be their friend instead of yours.

  4. If your friend is believing them instead of you, maybe she's trying to be friends with them now.  Maybe you should ask her why she is believing them.  There is always a reason why people turn against someone, even if you guys have been friends for 3 years, there is a reason why she is acting this way, jealousy, maybe ?????

  5. It seems your friend isn't as close as you think.  Secondly, you've made some enemies with the older girls at work.  Find out which one said that to your friend and be very wary of her.  Never say anything about anyone in her presence again.  Make it strictly about work and work only.  She'll probably talk behind your back to the boss too.  So be very careful.  

    Ask her about the past 3 years as her friend...have you ever betrayed her or talked badly about her?  Say that you would never talk about her in that way.  Your friend is going to believe what she wants so try to make your amends but if she wants to hold a grudge against you then forget about her.  She was never a true friend to you anyway so good riddance.

  6. I would tell the girl friend that I am still the same honest person that she has known for years. I would also remind her that folk say and do 'devilish mess' in some office situations. There are many troublemakers out there. I would also suggest that you find another workplace if possible. If not, perhaps a different department might do just as well. My family always said NOT to befriend someone who is in the same building, on the same block or street, or place of employment as you. YOU were already acquainted with this girl so this happened AFTER the fact. BEFORE you enter a room, building or vehicle, say quietly, "Peace Be To This House." - Luke 10:5 Those who are within those premises, won't know why they are acting so peacefully. What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31  The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19   I wish you continued success.  Peace!!!

  7. Tell her that you are not the one that said those things and if she still does not believe you then tell her you have no problem confronting them in front of her because you really did not say those things. Heck if it were me I would confront them anyway for making those rumors but just be sure they are not the type to start a fight. One against two with bigger older people is never very pretty unless you are a sumo wrestler or in the least really strong. If she still believes them over you then she was really never a good friend to begin with.

  8. tell her this "well look i SWEAR i never said ANY of that stuff!!! who are you gonna believe, me, who you've known for three years, or these other girls who you've only known for 2 months?!"

    and confront the b*tches who made up the rumors and tell them off. and if your friend still wont believe you, just ignore her until she comes to you and starts acting resonable.

    hope i helped - nataliee

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