
Fighting with mom!!!! HELP

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Ok we all know that every girl needs a cell phone! Well I have been asking my mom, and she still says know. I have also told her I would pay for it myself, she says NO!!!! Please help if you have any advice




  1. If you are old enough buy it yourself!

  2. It's probably because of you're age. Or she's probably having a hard time, maybe you should ask her when you think you're ready to tell her. Give her some time. You know, Money doesn't grow on trees.

  3. I really wanted one and I finally got it, and agter aout 10 days the newness wore off and it's not that exciting anymore.

    But we are in a resession. Just give her a few good resons, and if she says no, she has a good reson.

    Btw, I'm sorry to sound like grandma here :]

  4. convince her.give her GOOD reasons as to get one.Are there a lot of emergencies at your house?is someonee always on the phone?

  5. if u have the money n ur 18 i would say go buy it yourself

  6. well how old are you?  i don't see any reason for you to not have one if you have a job and can actually afford it and are doing well in school.

  7. ok, i know it seems like having a cell phone is a big deal. but it really isn't. it just takes some time. it took me forever to get my parents to buy me one. now that i have one, it's like i don't really care for it anymore. so, just don't get angry and just be paitent.

  8. tell your mom that you will feel more on point with your friends if she can get you a cellphone..also remind her that alot of scary things are happening in this NEED a cellphone incase of an emergency

    let her know how you feel without a phone && how will yoou feel with a phone.just behonest with her && tell her you will help her with extra work in the house..=] i hope you can get the phone..GUDLuck

  9. Well I don't know. You maybe don't need one. Because many things come with a cell phone. A bunch of rules you may not get texting. Your mom uses it as a punshiment. I mean don't get me wrong I like having a cell phone but  alot is out there.

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