
Fights at the end of games?

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Was there not a rule installed this year that if you fought within the last five minutes of a game, that you were given a misconduct, and would miss the next game, or at least would be fined? Does this apply to the playoffs? I mean, Malone and Hatcher just went at it, and neither Greg Millen or Bob Cole are saying anything about this. What's the deal?




  1. I was just wondering about this too. Ultimately I think its up to the refs/Campbell and the rule isn't just automatically enforced -  the fight or w/e in question is reviewed.

  2. Ref's discretion

    Barakat are you related to that dumba$$ Borat?

    H.V please take no ofence to that referance

  3. one of the worst nhl rules ever, i hope they get rid of it finally. sadly this is one of the reasons the rule was made...

    i miss these days, nothin like having 7 players left on each team cause the rest were ejected

  4. It is up to the ref's discretion!!

    I love people who compare Hockey to WWE, Cuz men in tights are real tough! COME ON! You have actors vs real athletes!

  5. doent normally count in playoffs because things are so physical no one will get in trouble unless its really bad

  6. There were some occasions last season where they didn't get the suspension or fine.

  7. Its hockey...

    let em fight its good for morale

  8. Instigator

    A player who is deemed to be the instigator of an altercation in the final five (5) minutes of regulation time or at any time in overtime, shall be assessed an instigator minor penalty, a major for fighting, a ten minute misconduct and an automatic one-game suspension. The length of suspension will double for each subsequent offense. In addition, the player's coach shall be fined $10,000 -- a fine that will double for each subsequent incident.

    ****Barakat- you and Sammy should get together. You would make a great couple.

  9. actually, they should never put that rule in place.

    barakat- PLEASE tell me ur name doesnt mean "blessing".

  10. If it would ever be called, it would be the first. Playoff or Not.

    The Avs and the Wild finished their regular season at the Pepsi Center this season. There was little pushing and all that. Then the fight with a little more then a minute left and nothing was done by the NHL. Hockey is just that way...

  11. It only applies if a player is judged to be the instigator.  

    So the Malone/Hatcher fight is a no-go, nor is whatever you want to call that 'altercation' Crosby and Richards got into (as the English would say...handbags at 10 paces boys).

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