
Fights with the 'best friend'?

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Alright so me and my best friend have been friends for years. We have been through alot together and we've been through about 2 social groups because our other friends have moved or whatever but we are still real close. Infact our fathers new eachother when we were little so you could imagine how close we are and on top of that we found out recently that her cousin was my cousin. You could say we were like sisters.

Around last week we got into arguement about something that happened the day before. I had a moment the day before and for the rest of that day i didnt want to talk to anyone and she kept annoying me. She kept sending me aims saying oh whats wrong and sending me things saying oh you need to speak, all these qoutes and sayings about how i need to speak up. I was getting annoyed so i said all right i dont wanna talk right now, i'll tell you what happened tomorrow.

So the next day we talked and it blew out into a HUGE thing. She said somethings that upset me and i told her alright you need to calm down because your pissin me off. To be honest im not one of those people who like to let people get the last word and neither is she, so we went back and forth. Then she goes i was just trying to find out why you were mad I wasnt trying to fix things. Im like alright now you know whats up, you got what you wanted, i never said you were trying to fix anything. She goes Fine then next time i wont give a **** bout you. So then that line pissed me off even more and we went on for like 3 minutes and it was over. Then after a while she said sorry and i said sorry and everything was calm. But i couldnt let go of the fact that she said that she wouldnt give a **** about me next time and with the way she said sorry any idiot could tell it was an empty sorry. I didnt care bout the other stuff i was concerned bout the line. I mean if you dont care about me then dont be my friend. The same way if someones boyfriend was like I dont care bout you then whats the point of being together.

I kind of wrote this to vent. I no where i'm wrong in this but my problem is getting her to actually try and talk about it to get it over with. She one of those people who dont like conflict yet starts it and then runs away from it, and i really do want to fix this issue.





    hey go to my site and go to my contacts and ask anything you want...a website made for teens who need advice...

    but to help you out for the moment...what your friend did was try to help you and find out whats wrong  because thats why shes your friend and thats completly understandable and also completly understandable that you were getting annoyed...all you guys needed was some time away from eachother.

    What she said to you was very wrong, but sounds like she didn't mean it...if it is still bothering you, you need to talk to her...ask her if she meant it...start from there and you'll lead your self to the right way...

    hope this helps

    please help me by getting others to hear about my site...tell as many people as you can


  2. I hope everything works out, I think that you are somewhat both at fault, the friend-I like how your friend showed feelings about your feelings, but there is a point where the person needs to back off. A friend should learn to understand your feelings and don't let them get to her/him. Yeah, the "line" was wrong too....

    As for you- I know that you wanted to keep the situation quiet for a day, so you can collect your thoughts, maybe 'mend' yourself from what happened. I also think that maybe a hint of information could have helped her, maybe she was concerned for you and your health... so just let her know a piece of information, so she is not too worried, and let her know she should know you need time and SPACE- : )

    Good luck!!  

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