
Figure Skating Boot Brands...?

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I haven't really been able to find any reviews or comparisons on the different brands and types of boots out there, so I just wanted some people's opinions. So what brand and make do you skate in? What's your opinion on it? And what level are you at? Thanks!




  1. Whoever said Jacksons are for wider feet is wrong (the width is measured- A, B, C, or D)

    I wear Jackson Competitor and I'm in FS4

    I would recommend them

  2. I skate in Graf Galaxy's Extra Light Edmonton Special they are great!! I am working on my double axel

  3. i skate in jacksons . they are goood in my opinion. but ive never skated in anything else ;]

    ive heard reidells are good too

  4. My suggestion is go to somewhere where they fit the boots FOR you. I had absolutely no idea what skates to get for me, and I went to an awesome place where they suggested Riedell. They let you try on a couple, see if it's comfortable, etc. Though if you asked me, try Riedell!!! ;)

  5. I wear Jackson boots. Jackson is for people with wider feet and Ridell is for people with skinnier feet.

  6. I skate in Riedell's. I've been wearing this brand of skates for 12 years.

  7. Well I'm working on my triples and have used Jacksons for the majority of my 16 years on ice.

    Throughout my years and the experiences of girls at my rink... Jacksons are the most popular and GRAFS and GAMS were the least favourite. Every girl who tried them had a problem with them.

    SP Teri's aren't wonderful either and I would never reccomend them.

  8. Here's a good list that compares the boot brands and what sort of foot they fit best.  Keep in mind that with pretty much any brand, you can order it wide or narrow to fit your foot anyway.

  9. I skate in Harlick customs and I'm working on double jumps.  Usually for beginners, I recommend Riedells or Jacksons.  I have been happiest with Harlicks because they don't seem to break down as quickly as SP Teri boots and they don't hurt my arches as much as I have experienced with SP Teri and even Klingbeil boots.  I've never skated in a Reidell or Jackson, but I have heard nothing but positive things about them from my group lesson skaters.

  10. Harlicks are by far the best. i have been skating for 10 years so far. i started out with riedells, but the support was not enough for the jumps i was doing (doubles mainly). I got my first pair of harlicks when i started working on single axels. their custom boots are fantastic. even though they take a little longer to break in. If you dont want Harlicks, SP Teri are also pretty good and then there is Graf. which i heard is really light. you should check them out. i know that they all do custom fit, so all you need to choose in the amount of support, padding and blades you want.

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