
Figure Skating Height!?

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I'm only 13 and I'm 5'5" and I will probably grow to be 5'6" or 5'7". I know this is super tall for a figure skater, but will that trouble me as far as getting certain moves down or will coaches turn me down? I've already been skating for a little over a year but I really want to continue this for a long time. What problems will I have? Thanks =]




  1. I figure skate and im five foot 9 :P

  2. I wouldn't worry about it.  I don't think your height will hold you back at all.  One of my friends I grew up skating with is 5'7" and she's still skating as an adult and is pretty advanced.  Her height never held her back.  I'm a towering 5'2" (on a good day) and still most people I skate with are taller than me.  :)

  3. Being a little taller you will have to build more stength, but 5'6" or 5'7" you will present an impressive image and should not think you are too tall.

  4. Shorter girls have an easier time with jumping, but my best friend is 5'8 and a beautiful skater. She just passed her senior MIF.

    Don't worry about it. Just keep working hard. (and no coaches will turn you down, lol)

  5. You will not be too tall.  I am also 13 and 5'3'' and I have been skating for 7 years.  I have not had problems. Also, because your legs are longer, you will have more leg strength.  Keep skating and good luck!  SKATE GREAT!!

  6. Hi!Did you see this year's world?

    Carolina Kostner's height is 169 cm (5 ft 7 in) ,but her skating is still graceful.So,I don't think you need to worry about it that much.

    Good luck with your skating! :)

  7. a lot of skaters are more 4'10" to 5'2". but tall people still skate and there have been a few successful ones. its not a rule that you have to be short.  coaches wont turn you down because of your height :P

    but jumps might be a little tougher since your are tall. otherwise just keep on skating ;)

  8. Coaches would never turn u down!

  9. Height should not matter, as long as you are able to adjust the entry / exit technique of jumps and spins. Coaches should not deter you because of your height. The only problems that you will have are people who say that you should not do what you enjoy. But don't listen to them.

    As long as you do what you enjoy, and can adjust to growing, then you are set. Shizuka Arakawa, Carolina Kostner, and others are tall. There is a girl that I know who is 5'8", and she is a Senior lady. So go for it!!!

  10. At that height, you might have a little trouble balancing more than the shorter skaters, but I don't think you'll have too much trouble on certain moves and i really don't think coaches would turn you down. As long as you work hard, and love the sport, you should do just fine.

    Good luck to you and your skating!

  11. in my oponion that is perfect hight by 13 your almost done growing people of all heights ice skate you will be fine

  12. that's not to tall!

    emily hughes is five foot six

    alexe gilles the reigning junior national champion is five foot seven at 16 years old

    shizuka arakawa the 2006 olympic gold medalist is five foot seven

    i think height is more of an advantage you ge more height on your jumps and your spirals are higher

    coach mostly never turn the skater down

    just remember to pay the coach be nice obey and show up

  13. From what I know, the shorter you are, the more easy balancing is. But the good thing is that figure skating is not like basketball or other sports that require a good deal of height. Sure you might have to work harder, but that'll only help you in the end! Good luck!

  14. Have you ever thought of going into ice dancing? Tall, long leg girls look fabulous ice dancing.  I think a lot of people under estimate the power, skill and grace that go into  ice dancing.  Ice dancing in my opinion is more difficult then freestyle at the higher levels.  I know a few national junior   and senior   level  ice  dancers that make their moves look so easy but I've seen all their blood,sweat and tears go into this and their just amazing.

    I don't believe you'll have a problem finding a coach and it all depends on your frame of mind and whether or not your body will let you do certain moves.  I've seen kids that are shorter then you that just don't have what it takes so, don't be beating yourself up because your a bit taller.

    If freestyle  and dance is not your thing, there's  also synchronized skating, which is lots of fun.  But at your age you'll have to start  testing your moves in the fields and get to the intermediate or novice level before you can compete on a synchronize team, it's only because the teams are based on your age.  Good luck with everything.

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