
Figure Skating Spinners... do they help?

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For those who figure skate i was wondering if the spinner helps you with you spins. I know it is not the same as on the ice but does it help with your balance and stuff?

I am thinking of purchasing one but just wanted to know of what others thought about them first.

If you do like them, what kind do you like and where did you get it?





  1. They do help for some skaters. Spinners accustom your body (esp. in controlling the body) to the various spin positions on ice like sit, camel,layback...

    They're pretty nice and all that; being able to spin off ice. BUt you can do well even without them. I did. Spinners are just extra help. You do everything by yourself.

  2. They help you practice spin positions off ice. Yes, they do help with balance and form. Personally I thought they did help, especially with combination and back spins.

  3. They are ok for balancing and posture, however, don't expect miracles. They don't help with spin entry or spinning on the edge, two things that drive me nuts.

  4. I had one and I did not find it very helpful.. I never got the hang of it, I was way better on the ice.

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