
Figure skates vs. hockey skates?

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i am a beginner skater and i just wanted to know if it is easier to skate in figure skates or hockey skates.




  1. there both about the same...but figure skating is my favourite and much more impressive for others to watch!

    -the blades of figure skates are much thinner and have a corrosive tip

    -hockey skates have a thicker blade and are much easier to stop/start


  2. It all depends on what you want to do. Hokey players will vow that hockey is harder, figure skaters will vow that their sport is harder. As a figure skater I'd say go for figure skating. You can learn a lot, and it is a very graceful and elegant sport.

    Good Luck!

  3. ok first of all hockey skates blades are not thicker.  hockey skates are much harder and better bcuz figure skates have the toepick at the top so its easier to push off. where as hockey skates do not. hockey skates are harder + better

  4. Well obviously if u are a figure skater you have to stick with FIGURE skates and if u are a hockey player you should stick with HOCKEY skates. But i think hockey skates are easier cuz the blade is a bit thicker=P

  5. figure skates are way easyer

  6. hockey, less flexible and there is no toe pick to catch

  7. There both pretty much the same.. But I guess I'd go with hockey because most likely the blade you skate on is a bit thicker.

  8. figure skates it is easier and looks more better for figure skating and it's the right one too!

  9. despite what people are saying, hockey skate blades are actually THINNER than figure skate blades. ask someone in a pro shop or do the research for yourself if you dont believe me. only goalie blades are as thick as figure blades. hockey skates have less of an edge and are flatter which may make them look thicker but they are in fact thinner. i have both and have skated in both and i personally prefer figure skates. i figure skate and play hockey. hockey skates have more of a rock to them and are easier to just fall by rocking forward or back. hockey skates blades are not as long as figure skate blades. figure skates have toe picks and the back end of a blade to help you not fall. but be careful of the toe pick....if you hit it while going forward it will also make you fall. best bet is to try them on a public skating session and see what your personal preference is!!

    the blade of a hockey skate is curved in the front and the back. they are built for maneuvering and speed. the blade of a figure skate has a jagged edge on the front aka the toe pick. the back unlike the hockey skate comes strait out. the blade of a figure skate has less of a curve on it for stability and smoothness of ride.

    also if you plan on learning figure skating moves..spins...jumps etc...deffinitely get figure skates. you wont be able to even attempt them in hockey skates.

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