
Figure skating flexibility & blade help?

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i'm quite flexible off ice but when i try my leg lifts and biellmanns on the ice, it hurts to hold on to the blade. so i cant hold onto my skate for very long. is this supposed to happen? and is there any advice? thanks :)




  1. yes ! it happens and eventually you will get blisters and it  wont hurt as much

    but if that doesnt work get some adhesive tape and put it on the fingers that hurt the worst

    good luck

  2. it sounds like ur favoring ur hands so just dont be afraid of ur hands geting all scraped up bc they will get scraped sooner or later and so y not just while ur skating. for flexibility stretch your legs on the boards in the rink and  jsu ttry and believe that u can get ur leg up dont be afraid and have fun ♥ hope this helps

  3. You can wear gloves while you are practicing to protect your hands.

  4. wear gloves. if it still hurts, then ur still not flexible enough.

  5. First of all wear gloves always when you skate and this will help tremendously! The sharp balde wont be able to punture your hand then!!! Also, put on your skates at home and practice the moves on the floor. I recommend on carpet so it wont hurt as much if you fall!!! :)

    GoOd LuCk!!!!


  6. Yes it is suppose to happen you just have to get use to it(practice makes it better).. hope this works it happens to me sometimes i just ignore it!

  7. I can think of a couple of things, though I never had this particular problem:

    1) Try grasping the blade in a different place. The angle of the metal against your skin may cut less.

    2) Try wearing fingerless leather gloves, like the kind intended for motorcycle riders (make sure not to get them wet. Wet leather = yuck!). Fingerless gloves will give you a better sense what and where you're grabbing and the leather will protect your skin better than knitted gloves would.

    3) Are you gripping the blade too tightly, trying to pull too much against it? If you squeeze sharp metal, you're going to get cut. That's all there is to it. Grip a bit less.

    4) If the gloves don't work and you can't grip less tightly, what about wearing band aids over the part that get cut at least part of the time until you work up some calluses?

    5) Ask your coach if it's a technique problem. There is no point in learning how to do something wrong. Practicing an element with poor technique is far worse than not doing it at all. So make sure that everything is where it ought to be.

    And good luck. While I never did Beillmans (was NEVER flexible enough) I do remember various other unpleasant injuries that one just has to live for under the category of "no pain, no gain."

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