
Figure skating hedaches?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone ever had that hedache when you fall from a jump and it just goes right up your spine? blech!

does anyone know how to get rid of them? i tried taking asprin but it doesnt work that well when im skating




  1. i think thats all in your head to tell you the truth. I am a faller. I fall like CRAZY, no joke. i have not had that pain unless i have a bad day. It usually means something is on your mind. Just think of it as if it will go away and ignore it. drink water too, it could be dehydration. Bring a water bottle out on the ice kay :]

  2. Yeah - this has happened to me before. it was when i hit my coxix or whatever you call it - It can hurt me for ages and taking tablets doesnt work. It doesn't hurt me anymore - i think i've gotten so used to it that it doesn't bother me.


  3. Yes!  I get them all the time.  People at my rink think I'm a freak b/c none of them have ever gotten it.  Take it from me, butt pads do nothing.  They cushion the area of the fall but do not prevent the 'shock waves' as I like to call them.  If the headache is really bad sometimes I will take Alleve and that helps a little, but for the most part I just have to tough it out - or quit skating, which I am NOT going to do :)  All I can say is try to control how you fall.  With me, I only get the shock waves at a certain angle, so if you can figure out which ways hurt more than others you can maneuver yourself a little and it seems to help.  The more controlled the jump is, the less likely you are to fall so hard, so try to work on fine tuning your control.  However, I've been trying to solve this problem for years and haven't found a fool-proof solution.  Good luck and Sk8 Gr8!

  4. Try wearing butt pads.  I don't know if that will help but it will cushion your landing.  I personally use waxel pads.  I think that they are GREAT!!  Try them.  Here is the link.

    I personally like the entire set.  I hope this helps!  SKATE GREAT!!

  5. yah, its totally normal. try taking benidril also, but check the asprin your taking now to see if it can be taken w/ benidril or if the benidril has to be taken by itself. also, if it doesnt clear up within a week tops, I would see the doctor.

    good luck......I hope you feel better soon.

  6. yeah. that happens all the time when I fall doing axels. I fall really hard and i never use pads. I just skate it off. sorry!

  7. Try advil for migraine...

  8. It really helps if you not only wear "Butt Pads" but if you go to you can find protective shorts that protect your tail bone, and hips so the initial (physical) shock of the fall doesn't rush to your spine and give you a headache. OH!!! and at the the aforementioned site they also have shock guards the go on your feet so the shock is absorbed. AS WELL AS: Ultra Crash elbow and knee guards, a separate spine pad and pressure relief disks. hope this helps you out; (I feel your pain, this happened to me too!) and good luck my fellow skater!!!~ Twirl Girl

  9. I have had it happen to me also. I don't think there is much else you can do. I think you will just have to take asprin and let the headache go away over time.

    I would suggest getting butt pad and maybe it will make the fall not hurt as bad and that could prevent actually getting the headaches.

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