
Figure skating lessons at 25. Am I too old?

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I started ice skating lessons at the age of 12 and managed to work up to grade 7, but unfortunately I had to give up lessons due to the closure of our local ice rink.

I really miss ice skating and would like to start lessons again, but is 25 too old to start learning to skate again?

Many Thanks in advance for your help :)




  1. Oh my goodness, no!  I took it up at age 37.  There's skaters at my rink who are retirement age doing jumps and spins. Also, I don't know what country you're in, but the U.S. has a competitive figure skating track all the way up to Adult Nationals, so the possibilities are endless.  ISI also has adult competitions.  Figure skating is great exercise for your body and mind at any age.

  2. Hi there if u think ur too old to start skating again then i must have been too old to start at the age of 27 and that's starting from grade 1 get back into it and you'll be fine have fun and enjoy i am.

  3. You're not too old!  :)  I skated too at 12, stopped for some time after college and recently came back in my late 20's.  I'm taking lessons again, competing, testing and teaching some.  I'm really glad I came back.  I missed all the friends I had made, feeling like part of something and of course, missed the skating.  I like competing and testing as an adult more than I did as a kid.  Competitions are just fun, like they're supposed to be and testing is taken more seriously as a milestone or accomplishment rather than an inconvenience.  Good luck and I hope you come back!

  4. You're never too old to learn something new, just don't expect any competitive success.

  5. I'm around the same age as you and have recently started skateboarding.  I thought that I was kind of old to be starting such a thing as well.  But if it makes you happy and you're physically capable, then why not.

    Good luck and have fun!

  6. No, in fact, at my rink, there are adult classes where you can learn how to do basic skills. Also try going to open skating sessions, and since it is winter, possibly try going to an outdoor rink. I love to skate, and it's a great opportunity to get some exercise. I hope you enjoy the sport as much as I do. I hope that you have a good time, and even though it may not mean that you are going to go competitive. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. It is never too old to learn how to skate or to learn how to skate again. There are people in their 80's who are skating so you certainly aren't too old.

  8. don't be daft of course you're not,you're never too old to learn anything.See if any of your friends would like to join you as it's always more fun when there is at least 2 of you learning.

  9. I disagree with Suspende..

    You can even have competitive success within certain parameters, like age and local competitions. I think at 25, we won't see you in the olympics, but could you really put in the kind of time and effort required for that?

    Best of luck with your renewed endevour.

  10. I started in my mid 20's too!!  The difference is I started from the very beginning . . . but you already have some skating experience so you'll know better what to expect in lessons going back now.  I was able to compete, go to (US) Adult Nationals, and get to my doubles . . . oh what a blast!  Too old?  Nahhhhhhhh!!!  

    If you are in the US, there are group classes available in the adult age range (or you can go straight to privates).  We also have adult only skating sessions, often called "coffee club".  All levels and ages of adults are there and it's quite social.  More than likely you'll find someone just like you there!  Sometimes they include a mini-class, if you choose to participate.  In my area, there are many 50+ skaters there . . . even in their 60's and 70's!!  No telling them they're too old to skate - wink!  

    Here are some links to Adult Skating:

    Adult Skaters (if anything, read this one!!!)

    Adult Skater's Focus

    Adult Figure Skating

    Adult Figure Skating

    Adult News (USFSA)

    What it Means to Be An Adult Skater

    Best of luck - and welcome back to the ice!!

  11. Its not old you can do ice skating as much as you want  i see older people in classes even though i don't go because i go to the discos but no ones to old to learn something new

  12. The thing I hate the most is when people think that they're too old to start ice skating! Of course your not! I know somebody who started skating at 30 something! Your only 25, so, no. Have fun doing it :)

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