
Figure skating lessons...?

by  |  earlier

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Hello. =) I am 13 and just recently started skating ((Only on Basic 4.. Oh, the shame!)), and attended a week-long figure skating camp that cost me $240..

I'm still interested in taking lessons, but don't have much of a budget, or time, to work with. I can probably go to skate once every two weeks or once a month. =( I love skating, and am very good for just starting ((or so the coach said!)) It is a sport I wish to pursue and get better at, and I feel that lessons would help!!




  1. Yes I think lessons would be very good for you. Since you don't have much of a budget, or a lot of time to go, I would suggest group lessons like once a week. My group lessons cost $112 dollars for a 30 minute group lesson once a week for 8 weeks. And I also get in free during public skate, because I wear my group lesson tag thing. Since you're already catching on quickly, it's ok that you don't get to go very often, but I think you should try to go at least once a week. I think you will improve very much. I hope I helped!

  2. Sorry, I don't know what your question is.  If you could post it I'll try to  help you!

  3. Stick with the group lessons.  They're cheaper than private lessons, but can still keep you advancing.  You may decide that you're willing to sacrifice other things or activities in order to skate, opening up more time to practice.  If you can't make it to every lesson, talk to the program director.  Our director allows skaters to make up lessons if they miss some, as long as it's pre-planned so she knows how many instructors she needs.  Maybe by the time you have tested out of the group lessons program things will have changed and it will be easier to go onto private lessons.  Good luck!  :)

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