
Figure skating moves?

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Are a toe loop and loop jump the same thing? If not, how are they different? THanks =]




  1. No. A toe loop is a toe jump. A loop is an edge jump. They both take off from the same edge, but the toe loop uses the other foot to propel your body into the air where you then cross your legs. A loop essentially starts in that position, and height has to come from the arm assistance and knee bend, as there is no pick.

    If you ever need any help with jumps there are plenty of websites that explain them. Like for example. I offered another answer just in case, because I tend to be wordy and specific. If I didn't help, youtube has plenty of videos. Searching the name along with "figure skating" would give examples.

  2. A toe loop is (based on righty) a jump taken off from your left toe as you're on your back right outside edge. And a loop is a jump taken off your back right outside edge. A toe loop is taken off your toepick and a loop is an edge jump.

  3. No, they are not the same. First of all, the toe loop takes off from a three turn, and the loop takes off from an outside edge. Here is a website that shows what each jump looks like and is in video:

    I hope this helps you! Good luck to you and your skating! :]

  4. They are way different,

    a toe loop you use the TOE pick and in a loop you dont use a toe to get yourself up in the air. Heres a video of a toe loop and a loop to show you that they are way different.



  5. No it is not the same thing. A toe loop is a toe jump. You takeoff your toepick. A loop is an edge jump. You takeoff the in the inside edge.

  6. toeloop is a toe assisted jump and loop is not (hence the toe)

    they both take off the same edge but the difference in the toe makes them two very different jumps in level and in technique.

  7. A toe loop you use your toe. And hop around like a waltz jump. And a loop jump you do off your edge. And it is much easier in my opinion. They are totally different in almost every way.
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