
Figure skating or cheer???

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i am a figure skater i'm on a team doing all kind of off ice help and on ice. i'm in fs 4. not very high i know. should i quit all of my hard work and do cheer again?? or keep skating




  1. I say you should keep skating because you will be able to use that, and go farther with that rather than Cheer.

  2. You should choose what you love doing the most. It sounds so simple, and it really is. I know I should be figure skating because I dream of being on the ice when I'm not, and I feel a rush when my blades touch that ice. What do you feel when you skate?

    If you want to cheer again because you feel discouraged in what level you're at, don't worry. Again, you're hopefully doing it because you want to. I'm still in the little-kid-group, but I am advancing because I push myself to be the best I can be.

    You only have two things on your criteria, aside from budget and time: What you love to do the most, and what YOU think will truly be worth spending your future on.

  3. Do them both!  I did -- and I found both sports actually helped the other.  Consider cheerleading off-ice practice.  If you can manage your time efficiently, it is possible to participate in both sports.  Also, if you're cheering for a school, the cheer season -- although usually longer than any other sport's season -- does have a break to it.  You can skate all year long.  Do you have practice for skating and cheer everyday or can you work it out so on (for example) Monday, Wednesday, Friday is cheer practice or games and Tuesday, Thursday and weekends are for skating?  Good luck!

  4. How long have you skated?  I don't think you should give it up

  5. Getting to fs 4 takes alot of work. I say it would not be worth throwing away all the hard work for cheer. You can go wayyyy farther with skating.

  6. Dont be discouraged by only being at level 4. Being at level 4 is actually quite an accomplishment you have passed all the pre levels plus levels 1, 2, and 3. You should be proud of yourself. I am in level 5 (trying to get my axel - feels like it will never happen!) I've thought about going to a different sport but I have not found I sport that I like more or make me not regret quitting skating later on. In my opinion, I think you should pick the one that gives you the most happiness and that you feel you would like to look back on as being a really fun and memorable experience.

    I have done both figure skating (which I still do now) and I used to do cheering. The best thing about figure skating is you can do it up until your 80 (if your still limber enough!) They have all sorts of senior skating. I have many elderly woman who put on a pair of figure skates and skate a few times around the rink during public sessions. They are so cute and they have been doing it all their life! I get a couple skating magazines and their have been couples in their sixties that have competed in a senior level.

    Cheering is a sport that you can't continue with much past college. It is a lot of fun but it ends so soon and I think that skating might give more oppertunities. I do know though that I had a lot of fun doing cheerleadng!!!

    If possible, you may be able to work both skating and cheering into your schedule. Maybe you can keep doing all your skating time but get on a cheering team that practices less times a week or on hours that you arent at the rink. That would give you a little bit of everything.

    It really is up to you though and what your heart desires. If you dont feel like you are enjoying skating and you feel it is a pain than obviously you arent having fun but it sounds like you realize the hardwork you put inot it and want to continue. Its up to you!

    Hope this helps!

  7. Which do you enjoy more?  Do whatever makes you happiest.

  8. depends on what you love more. think about these: will i regret quitting skating? will cheer make me happier?

    good luck!:]

  9. i'm in the SAME EXACT situation! i'm about to pass fs 4. but i'm also wanting to get back to competitive cheer. but i think i'm doing both. and i'm also starting hockey. so if you can squeeze all of that, ya you should do both! BEST OF LUCKS! HAPPY SKATING!(CHEER)

  10. What do you think you would enjoy more? Is it possible for you to do both? I would suggest picking the one that you feel most passionate about and enjoy the most. I would say figure skating, but obviously I'm a little biased to skating, but go ahead with which ever one you enjoy more!

  11. u dont do them both at the same time. do you? anyway i think u should just finish freeskate before u stop. but its not my decision. do what u thinks best. or just do cheer from like fall to winter, or however long the season is, and skate during the spring/summer. ( - 8*

  12. Are you social or are you solitary? Do you need camaraderie or are you self-motivated? Do you care about being popular in school? Either way, can you handle the possible injuries and risk level? What are your goals and potential?

    If you mostly enjoy your own company, want your own spot light and the associated responsibility of being out there alone, can deal with the politics of every-girl-for-herself competition and don't mind if you're pretty much unnoticed in school, the figure skating is a great thing to pursue. If you want to be really good, you need to be self-motivated and you won't have huge amounts of time for activities outside of skating. Injuries in skating can cause you pain and stiffness in your joints for the rest of your life (personal experience here!), but they don't tend to be life threatening unless you're in pairs (Paul Binnebose) or are elderly (d**k Button). Serious accidents are relatively rare.

    If you're social, prefer camaraderie, and want to be popular (or at least hated by the "out" people) then go for cheering. Cheering is a team thing. There's a lot of mutual support and camaraderie because it's not every girl for herself. The results of the TEAM are what's important.

    Injuries in cheering can be much more serious. Since cheering has become more popular and even high school teams are trying more impressive stunts, flyers are at a much higher risk than you might think. IIRC, the NY Times did an article within the last two years on cheerleaders who were permanently disabled in cheering accidents. NEVER do a stunt you don't feel like you can pull off. Always insist on proper spotting and things like harnesses for learning stunts. Being a flyer looks like fun, and it might be a rush, but I would NEVER allow my daughter to do it (not that any of them are small enough). It's just too dangerous.

    So, evaluate what you have most fun at, what your personality is most suited to and maybe what your ultimate goals are as well as your potential. If you're here asking this question, you're probably too old for going "all the way" in figure skating. And it's worthwhile to note that many colleges have cheering scholarships.

    At the end of the day, it's something you have to decide for yourself.

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