
Figure skating questions only for good figure skaters!?

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what is some good tips or techniques for a double axel (someone that can do a triple or double axel pls)!




  1. having the same problem

  2. Make sure to kick the free leg and swig the arms straight through on the take off.  Don't lean forward either.  It may help to do some off ice and also watching other skaters at your rink or on Youtube or something may help.

  3. Okay, so I can't do double axels. I was lucky enough to attend a clinic given by world-class coach Cathy Casey. She did a bit on axels and seemed to feel that the most important part of the jump, the key to getting the axel was having exactly the right j-curve entry. She drew various entry tracings and pointed out the wrong ones and the right ones. The right one had just a slight hook and no skid.

    From my own jumping experience, woefully deficient though it is, don't think "around" think "up" the more spring and height you get, the easier it is to get in the rotations. If you have a big, springy single axel, it will be a lot easier to turn it into a double than if you've a low, whippy single.

    Also, don't slow down going into the jump because it's new and "harder" and you're uneasy. Having good speed on entry is crucial. It's MUCH harder to jump when going slow.

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