
Fiji- I can't find any good info on it.anyone know good websites so i have valuable info for Model UN????

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please help i have been looking everywhere and nothing is good enough!!!!! and i need some info cuz this is my firts time and i dont wanna look too stupid. lol. but seriously please help someone!




  1. For a Model UN some information on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) could give you good points. There is no specific report on MDGs for Fiji but there is one for the pacific area. Go to and then click on the Millennium Development Goals and download the report for the Pacific region.

  2. Don't know exactly what info you are looking for, but try South Pacific Islands, also the Society Islands and that should put you in the area. Tell us what kind of info you need.

  3. Fiji is a GREAT country to have for model UN! Others here have pointed you to some good websites and sources, but let me just tell you why it is so great in "UN" terms: Peacekeeping.

    Fiji provides MORE UN peace keepers (military) per capita than ANY OTHER country in the world.

    (That is probably why they have so many coups) .

    Peace keeping is a major source of revenue for the GNP and of external remittances.

    So you will be a main player in any discussions on peacekeeping missions.

  4. “Fijians first impressed themselves on European consciousness through the writings of the members of the expeditions of Cook who met them in Tonga. They were described as formidable warriors and ferocious cannibals, builders of the finest vessels in the pacific, but not great sailors. They inspired awe amongst the Tongans, and all their Manufactures, especially bark cloth and clubs, were highly esteemed and much in demand they called their home Viti, but the Tongans called it Fisi, and it was by this foreign pronunciation, Fiji, first promulgated by Captain James Cook, that these islands are now known.”

  5. For model UN, what are the topics that you are covering?  This is really the most important thing, there is all the info in the world available, but you have to know what you are looking for.  Here is a list that could help you:

    CIA World Factbook

    Wikipedia Website

    Fiji Official Government Website

    Fiji Historical Website

    Also, this may help you:

    Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

    High school Model UN can be tough for the first year. I have been to the GSU conference while I was in high school in GA and its a lot of fun, so is the UGA conference. Here are a couple of suggestions:

    1. Find out what your countries position is on these things. You said Fiji? Well, they have had quite the number of military coups and takeovers within the last two years. If there were any riots or anything during these coups, see if your government used non-lethal weapons. That would give you a clue to your position. For small arms trafficking, you probably want to strengthen already existing models for stopping these trades, at least the illegal ones. For international response mechanisms for chemical and biological weapons, you could try something interesting. Since you have neither type of weapon, you would probably want the strictist mechanism you could find, so try something like expanding the UN to include similar branches related to chemical and biological weapons as that of the IAEA (nuclear).

    2. You are going to have to do some research. Fortunately, the internet is a wonderful tool to help. You can find legitimate documents to support your position as well as facts and figures quickly. Try some of the websites listed below.

    3. Get one of your classmates or a teacher to check over your working paper. This paper is basically your position on certain things and how you feel the UN should deal with them. So you need to say what the problem is, what your country (Fiji's) position is, and what you plan to do to make it better.

    This is a lot of work, but its really fun. If you need more help, let me know.

    4 weeks ago


    Check out these sites for help:

    (this one should be good for facts on your state)

    (go to this website and use the search tool to find things)

    (this is a search run on Fiji in the UN database)

  6. Fiji is hard.  They are an island nation, but I dont know much about their culture.  Try googling them and see what you find.  Thats a hard country to have for MUN.

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