
File a police report or not??

by  |  earlier

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I left my car unlocked in front of my house (stupid I know). Anyway, my GPS was stolen. I feel really stupid. Do you think I should report the theft to the police?




  1. of course, if it comes up in a pawn shop you may be able to get it back, are there serial numbers on those things?

  2. Yes you should file a police report.  Your report will be included with others regarding crime data in your neighborhood.  

    Also, if they do recover it, you will get it back.

  3. theres prolly nothing they can do about it .

  4. File a police report asap. Only because you don't know if the same criminal will strike again in your area, house or directly to hurt you or someone else. They will have a record and if the criminal decides to act again and is caught, they very well may be able to be convicted on both crimes. Or perhaps you'll luck out by catching them in the act the next time and your GPS will be in their possion. Who knows?! Good luck.

  5. Unless there is physical evidence (if you didnt touch anything, and they didnt wear gloves) there is not much that can really be done without witnesses. The only real good you would get out of a police report is turning a claim into insurance. But your deductable is probably more expensive than the GPS.

  6. Yes.  Your insurance might cover that (but probably not) and you will need a police report.  Nevertheless, the police should know in the event it occurs in that area again.

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