
Filipinoes at Fast Food Restaurants?

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What do u think about having so many filipino people working in fast food restaurants?

I work in Downtown Vancouver, Canada and when I eat at a fast food restaurant, 15 out of 15 of them are operated by filipinoes. Be it McDonald's, Tim Horton's, A & W, and Starbucks, filipinoes working there is all I see. The funny thing is that on the streets, I see lots of cocasians and asians but practically no filipinoes.

What is your opinion? I dont mind them working but I find it very un-Canadian to have only filipinoes working in fast food restaurants.




  1. how did you know that they are not mexicans or native americans?

    and why is this even a question? who cares if its only filipinos? let it go.

  2. ahahah have you went to Banff its all foreign people and its so annoying, i couldn't understand them and they were getting so pissed off, because they can hire them pay them horrible wages and once they work there way up a little let them go and find new ones willing to work for sh*t wages and repeat the cycle on and on helping their profits

  3. Well they may start to buy them up soon. Anyway, that is odd that all the Filipinos work at fast food places in Canada. Here in the U.S., where I live is the 2nd largest Filipino populated city in the U.S. They they think are holier than thou, so you'll never catch them working at a Fast food place. So give them ones that make your food a break!

  4. filippinos are hardworking people. they try to support themselves and their families legally as best as they can, even if they sometimes aren't successful.

  5. the restaurant owners think they can hire Phillipinoes cheaper than whites or asians

    1st answerer is right at least they are trying to earn money and not get it from the government

  6. at least they are trying to get money umlike the other people on the streets.

  7. you spelled PHILIPPINO wrong.

    they're just trying to make money i guess.

  8. All the Mcdonnalds restaurants around me are ran by Peurto Ricans.

    I only draw the line when the places are dirty

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