
Filipinos, do you sometimes misspell "and" as "ang" and vice versa?

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Lol, I was just wondering. :))

When I write my notes, I sometimes put a "d" to "ang" and so I spell "and" when I'm in a hurry.

Like, Masaya ang buhay.

Masaya "and" buhay. =))

And sometimes when I wanted to enter "and" I spell "ang".

This happens when I type and write but not always, just in some occasions. And then I immediately correct them. Lol!

Does it also happen to you? :-/




  1. It happens. But  just simply delete it and  put in the correct letter.  No big deal. In short no need to come rushing to YA to post the simplest little error that ever happened in your day to day existence.

  2. very rare that this will happen to me...


  3. Always... I can write "ang" as "and."

    because in school almost all of our subject are using the English Language and we always copy lectures...

    --in writing it always happen but in typing it rarely happens.

  4. yes, sometimes..  

  5. ...only when i'm typing.  yes, it a fairly frequent mistake i make.

  6. Not really.

    I use & or "at" instead of "ang" (I mean instead of and).

  7. That happens to me sometimes too! Haha.  

  8. "and" as "ang? Well the g and the d letter is too far away when you type it on the keyboard so it isnt that much of a problem.

  9. I used to think it happens to me only:)

    But then again, like you mentioned, we Filipinos use both words often, thus the tendency to occasionally misspell.

    You are not alone.

  10. This sounds more like a personal problem to me. However, there is that spell checker that yahoo provides. IT REALLY WORKS REALLY WELL!

  11. No.

  12. yes only when i am writing on a paper. but in typing no not really.

  13. why do you think it just happens to filipinos?

  14. hindi ah. malayo kaya and "d" sa "g" sa keyboard.haha

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